Undead ‘Dark Ranger’ customization for Blood and Night elves

a blood elf and night elf are not a undead what dark rangers all are.
if someone is avable to be dark ranger it will be under undead race.


Except dark rangers have always been blood elves and recently night elves too.

I see no issues with elves being dark rangers.


Dark rangers = death knight with bow.

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But they are undead. They should have given undead ‘elf ears’ options and we would have those dark rangers.

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No they are both Undead, and Sindorei go speak to Velonara

The Forsaken, and The Sondorei are my kin , and I stand with the Horde.

It would work both ways , but easier on belf customization similar to the night warrior restricted to one skin tone or an allied race

For the Horde side it should be a Forsaken option, since they’re Forsaken but blood elves.

So far Alliance doesn’t have any Dark rangers in their ranks, so it depends if they get them or no. If they do, I guess it would be a Night elf skin not an entirely new race.


Why nelf ones too?

Why not? Being Forsaken is about free choice. If these elves decide to go home and their people welcome them back, they should get the Dark ranger option.

It’s only fair imo.

No, it’s really not fair. I don’t like sharing stuff with nothing in return.

I think it’s fine. Sharing is not exactly what I’d call this situation.

First these are night elves were raised against their will, they should be allowed to go home if they want to.

Giving only the Horde the Dark rangers when there’s Dark rangers within the Alliance is unfair.

We got demon hunters and it was not correct lorewise. There was only one blood elf demon hunter who survived and he was crazy. Blood elves shouldn’t have been DH.

Edit: And I think that’s one of the roles Calia is going to have in the game, bringing the Undead elves back to the Alliance.

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To be truely honest the customisations of playing a dark ranger should be given to the forsakens/undead only, none of the other two party are undead, so none of that diatribe makes sense lore wise and those npc dark ranger high elves women and men and dark ranger kaldorei women and men despised and rejected theor initial faction and joined the undead.

It should be THE UNDEAD player base WHO GET those skins granted they want them to be added and not the already cherished to death customizations and class wise kaldorei and sin’dorei .
NO /10 char for the sid’orei and kaldorei
Yes/ 10 char fot it being given to the undeads

That’s if the dead Kaldorei remain in the Horde. But if they go back home what are we going to do? Give them only to the Horde still?

Wrong, those nelfs were persuaded to be raised, I suggest you do the Darkshore warfront intro quests.

Also the Forsaken have always had dark rangers. So I’m not sure what’s so unfair about it.

And no, the Illidan novel explains that there are both nelf and belf demon hunters including how they survived. So I’m not sure where you get your ideas from.

And Calia’s role is to usher in new undead to their condition, it’s stupid, but that’s her affirmed duty, again I’m not sure where you get your ideas from.

If they start plasterning undead left and right, to everyone, the Forsaken will lose even more of their uniqueness and for no good reason.

Persuaded why? Because they were under trauma, probably had a glimpse of the Maw and they had all reasons to be mad at… everything really. In Shadows Rising Sira is portrayed as a killing machine, without remorse. That’s not what the Forsaken stand for. Imo, it was a forced story and they have no place in the Horde, fighting against their kind… just because Horde is the only one to have Undeads.

I’m all against faction homogenization but the Forsaken Night Elves happened and we have to live with it now. I think it’s odd and confusing to have them in the Horde, a race split in two factions just because they’re dead.

We actually have no confirmation on Calia’s role so far. It’s all speculation. This is what I think and you have the right to your own opinion as well.

Ok fair enough, I didn’t read that one.

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I don’t know, maybe cause they got pissed off at Maiev and felt abandoned them or when their leader ran away to save her sleepy lover, hell maybe others didn’t want to stay dead. This is open to interpretation and the reasons vary from one person to the next. Sira makes that clear in the Darkshore warfront. Again, I’m not sure where you get your info from.

Yeah, we actually do via the dialogue between her and Lilian Voss.

I don’t think my interpretation was incorrect then. I basically said the same things in different words. You keep asking me where I get my info from. This isn’t a matter of info, it’s a matter of personal opinion.

The Night elf ranger story is forced. Yes, Sira said Sylvanas will save them and her plan has to come to fruition at any cost but at the same time she’s killing everything like a rabid dog. I find it hard to take her seriously, or any of them.

No, they shouldn’t have existed in the first place, but if they must exist then they belong to the Alliance.

That’s not her main role in the story. Blizzard themselves refrained from saying what’s her purpose in the end.

Did you see that T&E also mentioned the lack of ‘Dark Ranger’ customization in their video about Winners & Losers of Shadowlands Customization?

(Linked video starts at that specific point)


Well, while it is pretty clear by now we won’t be seeing this with the release of Shadowlands, one can always hope for a major content patch in between! :wink:

Works for me. If I am not mistaken, even the Night Warrior appearance came with a content update. I believe it was patch 8.1, Tides of Vengeance?

It would be really cool if the Dark Ranger skins were to come in patch 9.1. :innocent:

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I would really love to have dark ranger! Always loved the Forsaken lore, but undead female models are not that great in my opinion.

Also Sylvanas is like my favorite character so YAY