Stop asking for silly options. I made a comprehensive FAQ to answer you.
FAQ Begins:
1- Upright posture?
Are you insane? We are not humans we need to be hunched, in fact I think the new options are lacking (broken back) option which when chosen you get to be bend over for the entire time. Fits it perfectly.
2- More facepaint options for females AND FOR males?
Actually… Our models are based on Humans, so in a way, we are undead HUMANS from the good ol’ days before Terenas died. But Regardless, we can have an OPTION just like the orcs to stand up straight, the NPC guards STAND UP straight, so why can’t we? Afterall, it is an option, a personal choice.
What if the paint was… Blood of your enemies?
Sylvanas is Sylvanas, a STANDING STRAIGHT undead ELF, we will NEVER be like her unless we can make Undead looking elves. Wouldn’t mind being a full on Skeleton as an option.
The Troll mummies have somethin’ to say friend
Because I’m sure that when a person with tattoos die the tattoo just vanishes… Right?
Ear shape? But… If we’re to look beautiful like Sylvanas, then we need to be undead that stand up straight with elven ears and eye paint to look like tears and a scar!-… Ironic, isn’t it?
All in all, it would just be an OPTION, more freedom for player customization, if people throw a fit for something OPTIONAL, then I guess… That’s just them giving their personal subjective opinion just like me and everyone else in the forums.