Undead Elf customization Shaman

Shaman is literally the only class that doesn’t have access to ANY of the Elven races and has 0 use for the most exciting content added in a decade. Stop this ignorance at once and at least give Shaman access to Blood Elf and/or Night Elf.

Pally/Blood Knights even got a class heritage set for crying out loud. While already being accessible to multiple races that were once upon a time contradicting, such as Sunwalkers and even a Troll Pallies. So stop your bigotry and ignorance in regards to Shaman. Give us something, cus as of now there is little to no room for self-expression. If Ion really meant self-expression would be one of the aspects that will be focussed on, then follow up on those words and give Shaman some more options.

Out of all of the classes that existed since Vanilla, its definitely Shaman that got left behind in terms of diversity and representation amongst Warcraft Races. Allowing for more variety is long overdue, needs to be prioritized and needs to be addressed ASAP if any of Ion his promises regarding self-expression werent just empty words. Allow Shaman to play undead Elves too and stop the discrimination.

Probably some people felt the way you do about their classes during Cataclysm :smiley: Nah but shammy was never a Wow dev darling. Still it’s like the best kept secret, enhance is nimble as hell and elemental bombs (in a good way). Really fun class.

I been basically happy since they let Dwarves have shammy. Now ye wouldn’t catch me saying no to a tank spec, maybe with enhance (which always used to lean tank-wards) being based on Earth-warden / dodge and self-heal. Oh go on you persuaded me - multi classing so I can experience em all on one character. Yes I’ll have that. Thank you.


You have human, dwarf, draenei, pandaren, orc, tauren, troll, goblin and vulpera shamans. How is that not diverse?


Earth-warden spec shouldve been handed to us back in TBC. If anything, it makes sense for Shaman to have a tank spec, without a tank spec the whole point of carrying a shield around as a hybrid just doesnt make much sense to me. Sure in the old days when we would weave in auto attacks in between spells, not in the current fantasy where were bursty spell casters with kiting abilities. The whole aesthetic is nothing more than a fragment of the past. If anything, giving us a tank spec would add some logic to Shaman using shields. Add to that that there are 4 elements and we currently have 3 element based specs.

But Shaman had never been a popular Class amongst the WoW team, so I doubt we will be getting this option a tank option any time soon. Would be cool for sure, also cus theres always been a lack of tanks I dont see any reason why they shouldnt introduce Earth-warden. Anyway there would be tons of creative things that can be done with Shaman, if only the WoW team
Had the will to do so.

2h enhance was always the high risk high reward playstyle and aesthetic I liked and miss though. They gave all other classes their 2h option back, except for Shaman. Just feels like our class gets left out so often that it doesn’t surprise me anymore lol.

But Ive always been MS Resto anyway and I still enjoy it. In between all the nagging I do love Resto Shammy and how its playstyle slightly evolved over the years.

Been playin as Dwarf Shammy myself when Cata hit, after having played Draenei since TBC. Always having taken a liking in Sylvanas and being sort of a Shammy loyalist I faction changed when she became warchief. Always bothered me I was never able to express this in game through a more loyalist like race. Like Forsaken or Blood Elf, also being more of neutral shaped models for Transmogs. Also why I cant stress enough how much it matters that this Undead Elf customization option should also be available to the one exception in the game that is being left out once again, Shaman.

Recently the devs have said that they’d like to allow all races becoming all classes eventually, but that with certain classes (like shamans for instance) that’s held back by the work that goes into making a racial version of that class.

So… Patience.


14 races total can be shamans, they aren’t really hard done by in that respect.

I do get that people cant’ always be the race they want to be.

what undead races can play shamans again?

Just this tiny lore bit. that the elements dont commune and listens to the dead…

If only we had Human Shaman, but we dont have that option either. We only have furries and odd shapes. Something neutral would be nice like Human, Belf, Nelf, Velf, Forsaken.

Anyway its already confirmed theyre gonna lift all race/class restrictions, so its just a matter of time. But that could take another 4 years, if not more. All I want is for the one class that doesnt have acces to an elven race, to also be able to play this and not have to wait years on end to be able to do so. Its just simple self-expression, just Belf and Nelf or either even would be enough for the time being.

its also confirmed they havent just done so already due to lore and the universe of warcraft and such…

How would you solve the Undead unable to hear the Elements issue to become shamans?

Very simple, Thomas Zelling was an Undead Tidesage. He never lost his ties to the elements when he got raised in undeath. Tidesages representing Shaman as is established by KT Humans. Simple link that proves the possibility lore wise. I dunno where you pull all of ur information out of, but sounds more like head canon to me.

Lore aside, from what I heard in that interview with I think it was Holinka. He said the only reason they lifted restrictions on only Mages, Priest and Rogues is because they didnt come along with any artwork. Like totems, chargers, druid forms etc. More like a resource thing.

Yeah all furries and odd shapes. Not a single elf, not a human, not an undead. Im not talking in terms of quantity, Im talking in terms of diversity and self-expression.

Are you absolutely sure tidesages represented Shaman and not just… Water Mages?
Looking trough his spells and abilties he seems like a past priest now casting shadow abilities before his death. More than anything.

Mages use the elementals too. But they bind and controll them. They are not their allies. Like Shamans where.

From what I know lorewise mages enslave mages through arcane magic, described in Jaina her novel. Against the will of the elements. Where as Shaman calls upon the elements for their aid, using Spirit to bind living things. Similar to Monk lore, they also utilize spirit and Undead monks exist.

Im pretty sure Blizz has confirmed KT Tidesages being the justification and reason for them being Shaman. In the same way kinda they did with Sunwalkers that were suddenly Paladin in Legion, after only a decade of never having associated the two. Actually lemme find a source for the KT Tidesage Shaman thing.

I’m Paladin, I have the choice of eight races and only three on Horde.

If you really want to be a human that badly you may need to consider another class I’m afraid.

Once again, diversity not quantity. Paladin has a wide variety including elves, human, furries, tribals and odd shaped races. Sometimes less is more, I wish the same could be applied to Shaman. We just get more and more of the same.

Blizzard is gonna deliver on this anyway anyhow. All I can hope for is they fill this gap for Shaman first, cus its a thorn in the eye in terms of self-expression.

Ugh yeah, patience ur right. Meh. Trying but becoming a challenge with the addition of Undead Elves customization and only Shaman not being able to make use of.


I did the Brill story thingy recently and thought it was kinda funny how near the end you get offered a quest completion and reward (without needing to anything to complete the quest). I think someone gave me 2Gs. I was like, thanks… Wasn’t sure if it was a bug or an intended anti-climactic ending to the quest chain. Like a journey to Brill as an orc was the reward. Kinda funny.

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They sorta could though, much as I think some will hate me saying so, what better a spiritual guide who communes with the dead than someone dead themselves :joy:

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:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: dead agree there… who better to cumminicate with the spirits of the dead than the dead them selves.

shamans of wow lore though commune with the spirits. and the elements.

But holy crap we have yet to see a Shaman ingame who lost the communication with the elements… but remained all its ties to the spirits.

Most Shaman abilities we see are Elemental connected. But a spiritual one? Only? Might put warlocks and necromancers to shame. As far as undeath goes…


2 g to travel the world, ur being spoiled lol

Tbh considering Shaman their ancestral nature that actually makes sense for Forsaken to be attuned for

Yeah, I sometimes think like they reserved that part of Shamanism and used it to create Monk as a class. Im not bothered by it, but its funny when I look at some Monk abilities. Especially when I read the descriptions of abilities like Trancendence, Transendence: Transfer and Storm, Earth, and Fire. Add to that, just like Shaman, Monk also uses the 5th element Spirit for their abilities.

Also funny to think about the original Lich King, Ner’zhul was a Shaman in life. But he already lost his connection to the ancestors before Kil’jaeden twisted his spirit into the Helm of Domination and made him the Lich King.

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I honestly wish there were more race class combos in general, our characters are unique heroes race shouldnt really matter anymore.

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I’m afraid I can’t agree that there is no diversity with Shamans.

That is a very diverse group