Undead for the alliance

That was not intended to attack you or insult your assumption, I as a person do not read the other posts under the main post, I just answer what I think , and your way of approaching your reply to me is so negative .

So the wink didn’t give it away that is was a jesty comment then :frowning:

It does show that you were meant to be sarcastic, but I was soo excited for lightbound even tho they dont make sense cause the whole purpose of undead was that the alliance didnt want them, my hidden agenda is that I really love to have an undead elf variant

would be weird indeed but panda was a april 1 fool to years before the actual became playable :slight_smile:

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its 2019 people get triggered just if u say Hi


I would make a LF undead warlock immediately !

Except that I am not triggered, I am tired that in every thread I go, Kul Tirans are mocked because they are “Just fat Humans”, when they are one of the most unique allied races as they aren’t just a reskin, and in the lore they are supposed to be sturdy and bulky monster hunters.

This is glorious.

Your irl insecurities is spilling over into the game. People mocking fantasy races is in NO way an personal attack on overweight people irl.

I have been called a walking corpse. Did i get offended…lol, hell no!

Grow up.

I never said that I was fat in real life. Grow up, quit making assumptions.

If anything it’s you who brought real life into this, since I nevere made any reference to real people, as the Kul Tirans are a fictional race.

Nope! They belong to the sourge…

The new Forsaken-race will likely introduced as an Allied Race in the near future because they have been already introduced in “Before the Storm” with Arthas’ sister as being the first one.

Lightforged undead are a thing, their leader being Calia, who was raised into lightforged undeath by Anduin and Naaru or whatever, so yeah I don’t see her going “Woo I’m Horde, I’ll follow Sylvanas”. Whether they’ll become allied race however, dubious. Quite dubious. I expect them to be a “neutral” race, just there on the side, like Magni.

All in all, never a Horde thing, that’s for sure.

U dont get the point, undeads are in the horde because humans hated them, hunted them and wanted to destroy this very kind of undead… its not woooo I follow now Sylvanas lol.

There is 0 reasons why would alliance members like Calia or Derek, right Calia is LIGHT undead, but its totally messed up, I dont like it at all, its really pretty sh!t lore.

And Derek is “normal” undead, he has this new model cause of gameplay reasons I believe, he should look like Zelling or any other undead. Not like Nathanos, it was very difficult process to make him like he looks now.

There are thousands of former humans (now undead) which are abandoned by the alliance and killed by em. Dont know why would alliance accept Derek or any other undead now.

Sry for english

Well it’s obviously an April joke, but it could be interesting.

Sylvanas approved of some of her forsaken meeting Calia and her human relatives, then slaughtered them all, which resulted in them being raised as lightforged undead by naaru.

You really think they’re going to go serve Sylvanas who butchered them at peaceful meeting? And people adapt, Alliance got lot of light worshippers, I’m sure they’ll manage with LIGHTforged undead, who knows, they might even become cleansed of undeath entirely.

As for Alliance not wanting anything with undeads, why did forsaken’ relatives decide to meet their undead family members then? Times change.

So with this they can ressurect Tirion and thousands more as “lightbound” undead then. This writing is too much really… soz. I hope they will be only neutral race and not playable

That’s how undead work yes. You didn’t complain about Whitemane being raised in Legion, but now suddenly its bad when Alliance does it. : )

In what universe is Whitemane “light” undead? She is a DK raised with power of the lich king, that is completely different story :slight_smile:

She can use consecrated ground but that’s about it lol