Undead/Forsaken Mages in the Lore

Hey, got a little question concerning forsaken mages in the Lore, hope this is the right place to ask.
When creating a new character I always try to choose race/spec so it mostly makes sense lore wise.
When I think of undead usually cold/frosty comes to my mind first rather than heat and fire, but I’d love to hear your opinions!
Do you think an undead mage would be drawn rather to fire or frost magic?
Are they getting hurt by the light of fire (like when wielding holy light)?


I would say you could just think of what type of magic your Undead has been using before he has been raised as a Forsaken? There’s nothing that would suddenly prevent him from practising the very same thing they’ve been using while living, as far as I’m aware. Not when it comes to Arcane magic, at least.

That I’m pretty sure is not a thing, your non-undead mage usually doesn’t have their hands burnt from casting fire spells.


When it comes to mages I think they use their mental abilities/ mind to force reality to change around them. So when we talk about fire and ice mages I’m on the opinion that they force the elements into servitude.
I say this based on a quest in Hillsbrand (prior to the Cataclysm). There you had to defeat the elementals at Dalaran Crater and bring back their bracelets which were used to bind them.

However you could play with notion that undead frost mages use their power to better preserve their bodies by slowing down the decay.


Well, plenty of us are giant lore nerds, and making characters is what we do, so it’s definitely not the wrong place to ask!

As Coldshade mentioned. An undead mage would likely continue practice the magic schools he did in life. It’s what he/she knows and is experienced with.

It’s not holy so no. A mage doesn’t get hurt casting their magic.

It’s probably worth to mention that fire or frost aren’t exactly different schools. They are both created the same way. Which is through arcane magic.
Fire and frost are more shapes that a mage is comfortable with, decide to, or simply better at forming arcane into.
It’s why I think the mage speccs could be something more fitting and different. Like Conjuration, Transmutation and Illusion.

But nevermind that! Either works for your undead. Hey, why not go for the pure arcane look.

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