Undead - Heritage Armor

What do you think folks?
It feels like a obvious yes to me, very suitable for Shadowlands “theme”.

I really hope it and happens, and that it’s the spookiest mog they’ve ever done.


Their “heritage” armor should reflect where they came from, their core identity
So the two possibility:

  • tettered rags; what remained of their suit when they were killed (brutally by the scourge) / reanimated and/or crawled out from their grave. Your usual tettered, dirty rags on your rotting zombies
  • Tradtitional lordareonian fashion - nothing specialy, really, you could find it everywhere in the tailors and such in main cities; the problem with this, their past mean nothing to them

The skull and spike decorated leather stuffs with the hint of BDSM or some gothic themed sets are already in the game the undead so fond of, so… :man_shrugging:


And a top hat and noble clothing is already in the game as well, yet here we are with the Worgen heritage. :man_shrugging:


I want plague bearer with their iconic mask and theme.


Thats exactly one hat and one noble set
While with the undead/forsaken themed sets are dozen upon dozen…
But you are right, there was a noble set; yet Worgen recived a more gilnean themed set
But the whole “point” of the Forskane/Undead is to turn back to your heritage and past like it did it for you, isn’t it?
So anything that could be their heritage is denied by themselves by choice as their core identity
You can’t really create and point to a set, yes, this is deffinitly a Forsaken! becasue there are several out there, starting with the Warfront set (same true for the Kaldorei, its even have its name Kaldorei archer/Moonpriest etc)
For a set you need something unique, that would be the whole point, not some Nth recolor
As a side note: The Worgen rose and wolf gold gilded set is a bit shaky, I think most of the worgen players- well me at least - would be more happy with a coat and such like what Gen have, than this top hated uniform of a Gilnean “elite order” we basically not heard of before, or something more “victorian”, like the sets you see in the Worgen starting zone…

I don’t think they need it tbh.

Forsaken already got the Darkshore Warfront armor.
It comes in four variations and can be used by any race.
That’s more than you can say for heritage armor.
It has no variations, apart from minor things and it can only be used by one race.

I consider that my Orc Warrior and Forsaken priest got the better deal comparing to my BEs and Goblin Rogue.

Also I think SL is the best expansion you can have in terms of environment, armor visuals if you are playing a undead character, like Forsaken and DKs.



They’d want to move away from that I’d imagine.

I personally think that the Darkshore Warfront armor is already the perfect Undead Heritage Armor for them. It fits so well.


All races will eventually get Heritage sets which is great, regardless of whether or not they are already represented with the Warfronts armors. I imagine something even better looking than the elaborate mail set from Horde Darkshore. That particular set looks awesome. Purple, silver color scheme with skulls and spikes and all of that fun stuff. Undead should also get back accessories related to the Plague.


I like their new tim burtom theme, so Darkshore set is very good imho.

If we were to get to pre cata times, well then it would be some type of set with some sort of decay, they werent so tidy like they are now it was more like a rugged style, you can check it on classic.

I would not confuse maldraxus style with it, thats perfect for scourge for nerubians a bit, it has little to do with the Forsaken.

And what about Night Elf heritage armor…?

I would really like to see some kind of armour that looks like the clothes the humans wore in Warcraft 3. A little tattered with upgrades that reflect them being forsaken. Heck maybe even give them Arthas his old armor or terenas as a ghost gives the player permission to wear his old armour or something like that.

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:wolf: :heart:

the warfront set is superior to whatever heritage armor they could think of…

Then the undead have their heritage armor as well, thread can be closed :slight_smile:

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Still mad the NE plate wasn’t themed after the wardens…

Yep, my point exactly
Move along, nothing to see here :smirk:

There has been some great concept art out there

I know we wont get things based on class in game as it’s one version for all (possibly with pants/robe variation)


What about heritage quests? Are ARs doing something like Blood Elf did?* If yes then every race should get something. If not then human, orc, forsaken and night elf will get nothing.

*(Or maybe its “you are 110, gz, there is your set”)

ARs were literally reach 110 BAM here you go. I think only the original races got a story/quest line of any kind.

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