Undead - Heritage Armor

:wolf: :heart:

the warfront set is superior to whatever heritage armor they could think of…

Then the undead have their heritage armor as well, thread can be closed :slight_smile:

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Still mad the NE plate wasn’t themed after the wardens…

Yep, my point exactly
Move along, nothing to see here :smirk:

There has been some great concept art out there

I know we wont get things based on class in game as it’s one version for all (possibly with pants/robe variation)


What about heritage quests? Are ARs doing something like Blood Elf did?* If yes then every race should get something. If not then human, orc, forsaken and night elf will get nothing.

*(Or maybe its “you are 110, gz, there is your set”)

ARs were literally reach 110 BAM here you go. I think only the original races got a story/quest line of any kind.

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That’s not promising :sweat_smile:

How far back do you wanna go? Human or Vrykul?

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Idk. The heritage armors have been extremely impressive; Nightborne, Mag’har, Void Elf especially and DID.

Yet they are restricted to one race. Something WoW didn’t not need after 14 years of no race restrictions for armor.

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Tbh I see way more potential for RP in the WoD Garrison set than the heritage armor.

Wearing a heritage armor as a BE feels like the wielder of Ashbringer in Legion.
Yes you are special … as the other player next to you.

The complete reverse happens with the WoD Garrison set.
You go to Stormwind and you are just another soldier walking on the street amongst others wearing the same armor.
You feel you are part of something, bigger.

Also that armor can be used on other races as well, none feels excluded.
Want to RP as a Worgen that was enlisted by the Stormwind army ?
Just wear the set and parade on it, through the streets.

Also in terms of resources, it would had been far quicker to deploy the city guard sets as they already exist in the game.

For my character, I don’t want a heritage armor that everyone will have.
I want the city guard set that makes sense everyone having.

That’s my opinion.

That’s such a lie.

A ton of quests that forsaken give all relate to their past.

…isn’t most if not all of them are about to destroy such reminders of the past? :thinking:
Genuine qestion, without any mocking or such… I don’t really know, but have foggy memories about them… :eyes:

It’s rather diverse. Some quests are things like “Kill this guy who tortured my husband to death”, “bring this old love letter to this guys wife”, “Kill and cut off the hands of the guy who murdered my wife”, “Kill this group of people who murdered my family”.

Most of it is about getting something back that was taken from them when they were still alive, or revenge for what was done to them or their family.

Point being is that it shows that they definitely care about their past.

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I don’t think it’s a question of if and more a question of when. They recently confirmed in an interview that they intend to keep the heritage armors pumping with .5 patches going forward.

I expect it will look like something to match the Prot warrior hidden artifact from Legion. Purple and silver, kind of a tattered, Lordaeron theme.

Undead? Hmm… Definitely want to include some of design points in the Darkshore set. Maybe some sort of blend of Lordareon like the worgen said, the warfront armour, and plaguespreader uniform.

Alternatively, I quite like the look of what I’ve got on my alt. Not 100% spot on, but could be a springboard. Gimme a sec.

Here we go!

I am hoping for this so… so so sooo… SO badly.

There’s no proper Lordaeron gearset in the game yet and now that Calia is their leader once more, nothing would make more sense than a proper Lordaeron-themed gearset.

Would be nice to have two colorations as well.

One regular, one more ‘forsaken’, not forsaken as in skulls everywhere, but like… a “fallen something”, if you get what I mean…

A good example of it would be how the Scourge Invasion gear (Blessed Battlegear of Undead Slaying) …is like, a fallen version of Tier-2 Paladin.

No skulls anywhere, but it still brings over the “fallen” theme very well.

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