Undead - Heritage Armor

Because that gnome may have been employed by the dark iron?

Why would they still give him their prestigious RACIAL armor?

Makes no sense.

Like the uniform most of them are wearing…

Still don’t see them handing out that to a mercenary.

Indeed! Lets hope.

Darkshore gave u 4 versions of nelf and undead here armors :stuck_out_tongue: how about we get draenei and pandaren first

Ion has said they want to continue doing heritage armors.

I want to be covered in sewage from Lordaeron. All that beautiful green sludge.

I think this is the first thread I’ve seen you not mention poop on. Gz.

They don’t look nelfish or undead at all tbf.

And they are not heritage.
But yes of course other races shall get it.
Though to be reaaaally honest. Pandarens have a fricking expansion of transmogs designed for pandas haha. So idk about that man.

Would the pandas have 2 tints or 2 sets (one for each faction)?

My guess is 2 tints but my heart wants 2 sets !

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Really ? Are you blind xD ? The horde darkshore armors couldnt be more forsaken influenced if they tried :joy: and the gold purple druid/wardenesque alli armors are literally made for nelfs :stuck_out_tongue:

But wouldn’t the new horde council ban all forms of chemical weapons after the sylvanas thing and her basically killing their own soldiers with them?

It wouldn’t make sense for the undead to walk around with plague canisters.

Shouldnt Undead heritage armor be… just naked skeleton? Most of the undead are cloth/leather and every gear would rot and disappear in a few years. More Undeads are dead for some years, I guess… before they were resurrected.

But… but I want Nechronic to be a war criminal…

Why won’t you let me go to hell?


Most died from the plagued grain, which killed them in a matter of hours and brought 'em back pretty much immediately.

Wannabe because of the armour or because they’re on Silvermoon’s bad side?

You get two different Darkshore Warfront sets, plus recolors, for every armor type. I’d think that covers the ‘special undead themed armor’ niche pretty well.

I’d very much prefer heritage armor to be first given to the races that still have none and were not featured in Warfronts.

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