Undead warlock in shadowlands

So i leave the game 2 months into WoD because it’s bad right, i come back now out of boredom and here’s the thing…

I’ve just spent 20 hours being told “im so full of life” “mortal” “living” “play dead and look like a corpse” being told in Revendreth how to harness peoples ‘fear’ and that i don’t understand how useful a tool it can be, paying azeroth gold to some cracked up race of god botherers to fly around their kingdom like im on some type of deity safari.

Then i get to covenants and i’m supposed to walk about looking like a full on angel or fairy if i wanna push dps? I can let troll’s haste slide but these additions add up boys.

Honestly. Whats going on? I should burst into flames upon entering bastion not have some alter boy bestow me with his gods powers.

I rain destruction on the light, i make dark pacts with nefarious beings…infact i enslave them and make them do my bidding. Also im missing half my face, my eyes burn green with fel energy and i HATE the living.

The point is, my reward for finishing that campaign was to become what i’ve always hated or live in ignorant bliss? That’s the best you can do is it?



Just give up the class then. GG Activison

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What’s this post even trying to convey? Your race has little to no meaning in terms of expansion story, yeah you may get little bits of flavour text here and there. But overall your race and class have nothing to do with the terms of the overall story within an expansion, except maybe legion with your class halls.

I feel your pain mate, also undead lock that had to go Kyrian and wishes to switch to night fae which is just as bad, but cba doing all that crap all over again.

On the bright side, you won’t have to bother with gathering extra anima or doing path of ascension for trasnmog sets coz it’s all ugly and doesn’t fit locks in general.

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:joy: Brilliant. Fantasy MMO “What does fantasy matter?”


Take it you havn’t actually read my post then. No i havn’t been playing this game…since MoP…that’s in the very first sentence btw.

Play dead and look like a corpse xD That would be fun to read.

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