Created undead warrior who has been killed with one shot by Shadowblade Stalker in Atal’Dazar. Ok, went forward and has been killed with another one again. Noticed, sometimes the character takes high damage from other sources, eg. in Tirisfal by Duskbat you might be normally hit at 5-6 damage, but sometimes 90+ damage at lvl 9-11 (I currently have). I thought it may be affected to the specific char and created another undead warrior, unlucky with the same problem. Ok, created Highmountain Tauren, went to Atal’Dazar, find those stealth troll and he didn’t kill me with one shot this time. All three characters are tanks, all of them are warriors, all of them in heirlooms, all of them 10-11 lvl. But why undead die?
Char 552 hp, stalker hits: 588 physical (677 overkill)
Report it as a bug in the game via the support menu.
created undead rogue and got 105 melee (instead of 3-4 normal damage) physical from Mindless Zombie 1lvl at start location (I’m 1 lvl too, full heirlooms rogue).
Seems the bug affects all undead characters. But what about higher level? Does anyone else have the same issue?
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