Undecided where to play

Hm what u see steamers stream is not the reality of the game however, you see a streamer having fun pvp with 5 paladins at his back 100k gold at his bag, and being full bis, joining every raid and getting gear easy or whatever, but thats not how game is. If you want to get back because you seen some “streamer” im pretty sure you will be disapointed from what you will find. Yes population grown a bit however, i wouldnt say it bloomed, its just more vivid game play now since all que for bgs to get r14 or make alts knowing they can get geared with ease, and lots ppl join pvp to get gear because OH well they dont have 2k in credit card get a raid tier. But yes game its more active rn. For sure wherever u go you wont be playing alone, it will be more moments that you will need to do stuff alone because ppl or community are annoying, rather feeling you wanna do something but there is no ppl around. If you wanna have fun i highly recommend pve cluster toxic free realm with the COOLEST ppl you can find, or perhaps the least ill minded.

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