<Undefined> Living Flame - Alliance is recruiting!

Living Flame - Alliance

English speaking guild from Lone wolf. We have cleared raid each reset weekly, and looking to form two solid raid roasters with dedicated raiders for BWL&ZG. Friendly, warm and love to help each other guild.
Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 progression completed :ballot_box_with_check:

**In demand: **
:fire: Mages
:fire: Balance druids
:fire: Tanks
:fire: Ferals druids

If your class isn’t listed above, I will still love to hear from you, as everyone is welcome.

Raid Times:
All raids start at 20:00 realm time
Onyixa runs on Wednesday
MC runs on Sunday, with a second group on Friday

Phase 5 raids will probably still remain the same, but can change.

We currently run 2SR with MS>OS, but the loot system will be changing from phase 5 first raid onwards, awarding players that turn up, have world buffs and elements like this.

What do we expect from you:
:point_right: Attend raids with world buffs, consumables and enchants so your class performs its best
:point_right: Keep your status updated via the raid-signup on discord
:point_right: Have respect for everyone, we’re a friendly community
:point_right: It’s okay if you don’t know mechanics in raids, but please ask for help, we will all help :hugging:

Message me ingame if you have any questions - Zeplos or Yougopowpow