It’s a real slap in the face to disable currency transfer in the last week of a season before the currency is reset.
You have led players up the garden path with this. I should be able to consolidate my collection of the currency onto one character and purchase from it what I need. The fact that I cannot do this is so misleading.
Example: I have 8.5k on 1 character & 5k on another. I should be able to buy that pet for 10k… but no… because the man in the sky (you Blizzard) decided to pull the lever.
It’s pathetic.
Unfortunately it’s broken, not simply disabled. 
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Or wait till it’s fixed and they turn it back on?
Currency resets Farnham at end of today. I will not have any currency to transfer when they fix it. Do you understand?
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Yeah I decided i didn’t really give a fluff.
They haven’t done this deliberatly to screw you over AND we were notified weeks ago that the currencys would reset AND nothing is going away, you can just get it Season 2.
Meh, i completely missed that Undercoins reset with season… lost over 25k of them ;/
i was also blindsided with the reset but i didnt lose that much only sub 10k but it does feel unnecessary
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Totally unnecessary d*ck move to delete all our undercoin
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Omg i saved everything on 6 char didn’t spended anything wasn’t thinking about that all will be stolen… I lost everything seems months of gaming for nothing.