Underdog bonus- broken on our shard

Hello my fellow warcraftarians!

I wanted to make a post to see if any other players who enjoy wpvp are struggling with what seems to be a bug.

I play as both horde and alliance, and here is what I see:

As alliance

  • Air drops are rarely challenged, and never lost
  • 20% warmode bonus
  • Bonus weekly quest for more tokens

As horde

  • Air drops are not fought for ; typically it’s 10+ Alliance to 2 horde
  • 10% warmode bonus
  • No weekly quest for more tokens
  • Not possible to get rare kills ; once a fight is started the fight quickly becomes 5+:1 A:H

I think this is to do with the fact an alliance-dominated server (Argent Dawn) is on the shard but the calcs are done per server? Whereas wpvp is shard based?

Surely anyone could look at the above and state that there is a game-breaking bug regarding servers, shards and underdog calculations.

I think Blizzard pay no attention to our EU servers, so I wondered if this is something we could all raise as a bug? Unless you feel it’s working as intended ™ - but I don’t see how it could be.

I don’t mind which faction I play for wpvp but it just irks me that such a bug is being ignored. We pay for this game every month and we deserve better. All of us. Alliance deserve a better challenge and more fun, and horde deserve to be able to partake in wpvp with purpose.

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