Underlight Angler Artifact Tree

I recently got the Underlight Angler artifact and have been having a perculiar experience with it. I fell in love with this thing the moment i learnt about it and had to have it regardless of whether it retained its legion utility.
Along the path of working at the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement i came across advice that there were work arounds to accessing the tree despite its adaption to the profession tools over its previous main-hand equip state.

I found a couple forums through reddit suggesting the use of a couple commands that bypass the artifact tree lockout and numerous people reporting having had success with their use.
#1) /run for i,powerid in pairs(C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers()) do C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(powerid) end
#2) /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)

When i finally got my underlight angler I began collecting and applying artifact power to my underlight angler and found that back at the fountain command #1 actually does level up the artifact. Command #2 also allowed me to acquire the Undercurrent skill that ports you the closest fishing node between 5 mins cooldown.

I came across people saying that through the use of command #1 they recieved a system prompt that is was running the code and after running the command again the tree appeared. I haven’t seen this system message prompt. People have recounted their troubles with it but it appearing after deactivating all their addons.
I’m kinda under the impression that command #2 is forcing skills on the tree to be learnt without the interface but i don’t see how this will work at the tree’s bifurcations.

I guess what im trying to achieve here is discover if anyone else has had a similar experience and know of any trouble-shooting i can do to discover why im having no success getting this tree to appear?

I will continue passively collecting artifact power to see if command #2 prompts the blind acquisition of another tree talent in the meantime.


Just got the Underlight Angler this evening, and I’m having the same issue.
Ran the #1 command you provided, and I can spend artifact power with it. Can’t see what it’s been spend on though, but I do gain abilities.

A friend of mine found this. Helped me to get the water walking and shark thingy! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
[“Undercurrent” spell learned]

/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1030)
[‘Bloodfishing’ passive, no visual]

/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1023)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1023)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1023)
[rank 1,2&3 ‘Cursed Queenfish Angling’ passive, no visual]

/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1029)
[“Surface Tension” Buff will show on character]

/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1032)
[“Underlight Blessing” Buff will show when you hop the wall & swim in the Violet Hold Lake]

If you interract with the Underligt Pearl and write
/dump C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers()

This will give you a list of the artifact powers from 1021-1033, though sadly it doesn’t give us the names.

It’s not a lot of help, but at least it can provide some control.


“It’s not a lot of help, but at least it can provide some control.”
Don’t get me wrong, It would be nice seeing the artifact’s tree but it’s largely irrelevant if these commands of yours actually enable the use of the skills upon it.
If not for your response I would still have been stumbling about in the dark. So it’s more help than I had and to that I’m grateful for your contribution.

I’ve leveled my artifact to 13 and it no longer takes more of the power I’ve stored on it through command #1.
I don’t seem to be getting a response from any of the commands you’ve provided but the /dump C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers().
Most frustrating…

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hi there. i figured out how you can see the names of the powers.

open the artifact on wowhead and lets say only select the first power. then klick on link and look in the simulationcraft tab. there is the string “73:0:0:0:0:1021:1” so 1021:1 means 1 power with the id 1021.

here is a list of powers and the ids

undercurrent: 1021 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
bloodfishing: 1030 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1030)
koi: 1026 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1026)
baracuda: 1027 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1027)
stormray: 1025 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1025)
salmon: 1024 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1024)
better luck next time: 1028 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1028)
way of the flodder: 1033 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1033)
queen: 1022 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1022)
tension: 1029 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1029)
blessing: 1032 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1032)
mossgill: 1023 /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1023)

to add a unequip/equip macro. if you dont want to unequip and equip your rod all the time, leave the upper right bagspace empty and press this macro:
/equip Underlight Angler
/run PickupInventoryItem(28)PutItemInBackpack()

then you unequip the angler, press it again and you have your angler equiped with all buffs active.
and make sure, that you dont hide your fishing equipment (visit the tauren npc in valdrakken Mahra Treebender). if you dont do that, your buffs will not work (no water walking and no underwater fish)

I’ve seen this equip/unequip macro about on the links i’ve explored relating to this artifact. Isn’t it largely irrelevant in a world where the Fishing pole is now a profession tool?

Why we can’t see the tree of the artifact when we shift+click it?

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