Understanding the RDF tool

With the increasing amount of wait time before the RDF queue pops, I have been trying to understand the mechanics behind it. Because if you look at what happens while in queue, it doesn’t make sense.

You can be queued as tank, and sometimes it shows 0/1 tanks. How is that even possible, when I’m queued as tank specifically and nothing else? Sometimes it also moves from 1 tank 0 healers 2 dps to 0 tanks, 0 healers, 1 dps, or something similar. And when it finally pops, the healer is afk and doesn’t press the accept button. So you get back in to the queue. But now you’re stuck on 0 tanks, 1 healer, 3 dps for another 10 minutes. Where did the previous tank go? Why do we suddenly have a healer again, when the last one got kicked out of the queue for being afk?

So many questions…

I have noticed the same but I think the others in the queue have been sent to a dungeon for which you are too high or too low level.

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It is end of phase 5 and expansion as well. People had long done their scull farming in Betas and only some occasionally want around 100 gold and badges to buy saronite to sell it per daily quest. So people just go for the fastest instance there is to complete that daily quest, that being Forge of Souls. With that said it is natural, that queues begin to last longer since very few players still need dungeons for their progression.

As for queue role bugs, can’t add much here, but propose that system still sees your offspec.

Making a necro of my own thread.

This morning, my daily FoS group had to kick the healer due to not healing. We had to wait in queue for about 7 minutes before next one joined. I asked if his queue was instant, and apparently he had waited for over 5 minutes in the queue. This seems broken to me, like why did he have to wait over 5 minutes to get into our group, when we were queued for 7 minutes? Definitely doesn’t feel right.

I think there are multiple groups in queue at any given time and the healer might have been put initially in another group that has been waiting for a tank.

Easy answer: bad des/devs.

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