Undocumented changes to Blitz?

Doing Blitz on my alt, got out of placement with 15-5, now 21-15 but still have not left 1.4-1.6 mmr.

Has there been any game changes?

Wow! What’s going on here m8? You should improve yourself I guess. Encourage team mates. I guess something like that. MMR is ok, really.

How is this related to the question I asked lol.

its 50 games for placement
and healers have a harder time to climb

Why would you think m8? You don’t understand how? Good luck m8!

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Oh my bad, I thought it was 20-25 games. It was just weird how mmr was not moving regardless you lose or win.

Thank you!



So if the placement games are 20-25 games, and I managed a 75% win rate, why have I never been MMR more than 1.4-1.6?

After my 25th placement, my correspondent MMR was placed, and my rating started to raise.

Right, then I got unlucky and my mmr got ruined 40 games and still same mmr.

But it is weird how with more than 75% win-rate I didn’t leave 1.4-1.6 mmr.

Odd, not sure what to say, as Aug I’m now under 1.9 progressing without any issue.

It is odd to me too, but it is fine. Will spam for fun perhaps.

You should be out of placements at 25-30 games, by my knowledge its 25 or after you hit 1.6 CR, some people tend to get to 1.5 then duo a healer/dps with higher mmr to get out of the placement games, perhaps with ur given score now u are out of placements just need to win a few games in a row to climb in MMR.

Well no, I messed it up big time. I am in 1.3 mmr now.

It was just strange how after having a “perfect” win/lose ratio I was still being placed in 1.4-1.6 lobbies.

But it is fine, wanted to try new class/spec, will keep spamming till I will get better I think.


Seems like I was playing in “dead” times. And thus I was getting placed with low rank/mmr people. It is “fixed” now.

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