Undying Laborer kited into Stormwind

Yeah it’s lovely to have a training dummie kited to Stormwind. What i don’t like however about it is the noise it causes. No matter how polite you ask, it’ll always end up them kiting it into the AH. Yesterday the vendors were affected by it closing their menu’s mostly immediately after talking to them.

Plz don’t let them pull it so far into Stormwind.


So this is seriously escalating, like i didn’t even say much. Someone said that pulling the Undying Laborer into the AH is gamesbreaking so therefor reportable, so i tell that person that info is bs. I get threatened to get mass reported to get me banned.

I tell them, falsely reporting ppl might also result in a ban, “like those 1 - 2 blizzard employees have time to look into your complaint and ur ban lifted” is what i get back.

Still, when that laborer is in SW, vendors get bugged, a guildie of mine couldn’t log off even though she hadn’t touched it just logging for an enchant for me. Plus ppl become massively pedantic and pompous because of it.

Asking Blizzard again, please do something about this mob. (yes i have filed a filed a bug report because of vendors bugging because of it)

Berny taunted it away and watched 30 people sitting still trying to hit it.


So the Undying Laborer isn’t good enough anymore, now they kited Calefactus the Unleashed into SW, it’s actually hilarious, i feel like i’m in a comedy rn :joy:


This is why you report without making a song and dance about it and then move on with your life.
Not everything has to be a big drama.


What you’re describing happens in a world where there is no or barely or no visible or lax control over situations. Blizzard has created that unsafe environment themselves, they gotta solve it.

I’m not gonna have myself shut up by a bunch of immature ppl who now even think they have a right to do what they are doing with that laborer, they even call him “training dummy” now and when you bug him out they call out for reports for game experience ruination. They think Blizzard is okay with this because they haven’t policed it (terminology intended). He’s being pulled towards the AH and vendor buildings deliberately. It escalated way beyond funny atm.

And as i have stated in my initial post, i have report it.

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Or…Just go to ironforge or Darnassus instead?

Or the other bank/Ah in Sw?

Tbh IF is a better capital city anyway.

The 2nd AH in SW is there since cata, i’m playing Classic SoD and therefor i’m posting in this forum about it.

I don’t like IF and darnassus doesn’t have a favorable infrastructure for banking

IF the best, blizz needs to add incentives to use other towns.

It’s fine that you like IF but if you don’t mind, i find it depressing.

What’s depressing about it ? Nice and cosy with a roaring fire! Lots of snow outside to build a snowman!

just accept that other ppl might have a different opinion about things than you have, we’re not the same

True. But IF objectively better.

I thought this had been removed…but it back again /sigh

I did log on just in time for it to disappear though and everyone started crying, was sort of funny.

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But that would mean he would have to adapt to the current circumstances…
You can’t really ask for someone to adapt to something, no, it’s the entire world that must change their ways to fit his personal space.

insert Skinner meme here

Berny just discovered somethin mon!

Taunt the laborer and slowly move inside the SW AH.

Then, jump where the 2 auctioneers are and the laborer evades and disappears!

Now Berny can troll the afk weapon levelers even more!


Yeah i did that 2 times, in the first week they tried that and they didn’t even notice it was me who did that willingly :joy:


It’s there every time I log in

Sadly I can’t taunt

Time to move back to Ironforge I guess

Please remove if you can’t fix it blizz it’s a joke, on your ability to code, you should feel embarrassed about making things this broke.

Fix your mistakes please, imagine your mom is watching you, what would she think about the quality of your work?


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Thanks for the tips on how to de-spawn this NPC appreciate it massively

I managed to use my pet to taunt it to where you said and it worked

So many whispers/threats/abusive language thrown at me

Never been so happy

Expecting an in game warning/ban soon but it’s worth it

PLayers working together to fix in game buggs /salute

Ahhhhhh peace and quiet in Stormwind again

Nice fix thanks guys :+1:

Your ability to fix things is almost Gnome like /salute

Maybe they will learn to move it somewhere quieter out peoples ear range

Must be hell for elf’s with their big ears having to listen to all that commotion when trying to sell elf things at the AH.