Unfair Deserter Debuff

playing warlock in City of Threads HC pug run
got stunned by caster and inside frontal by big pack
Running Back
Stopped and waiting for patrol to move pass but tank already pulled first boss
got removed under the assumption of being afk, according to one player I asked via whisper afterwards
I didn’t leave the party but i got deserter debuff for 30 mins
Deserter Debuff should apply to players who clicked on leave instance party
I am feeling incredibly salty towards the amazing WOW devs.
After 20 years, the devs still learn nothing.

Tanks and healers would just ask players to votekick them if they’re in the “wrong” instance or after they’re done with the bosses and requeue fast.

But they did, the first iterations did not include a debuff. Leaving and holding groups were rampant. Even in the latest response here they added additional penalty requirements:

Current suggestions are to add all loot randomly to the last boss of the instance or a Warbound penalty instead to prevent leavers from requeueing on other toons.