Why is it that the new Honor gear is simply impossible to obtain? Right now, it takes an absurd amount of time to grind out the purple gear, and in a week, we’ll just have to throw it away—making the grind completely pointless. On top of that, gearing a new character was already a terrible experience last season, especially toward the end, when everyone at every rating was running around in full purple gear.
(The problem with this is that when you can play a class well, you already have all the gear for it. But if you want to try a new class—especially a complicated one like Arcane Mage—it will be a horrible experience. Even after you finally get the gear, it can still feel bad, though at least at that point, you’ll have a chance to not be a target dummy in the arena. With better gear, even if you’re not playing perfectly, you’ll have more survivability, more damage, etc.)
And now, if you don’t already have full gear, you’re at a massive disadvantage against those who do—even if they aren’t particularly skilled. (3 million crits on Mortal Strike…)
Unfortunately, if you’re not a multi Rank 1 Gladiator on a specific character, you pretty much have no chance of having fair fights. Sure, I get that this is partly a “skill issue,” and I know that on my main, I’d have a much easier time even in full green gear. But that’s not the point. The real issue is that we should have the opportunity to try out new classes and builds, which would make the game more enjoyable. Right now, we’re in a one-week period where there’s no rated, no meaningful content, and this would at least give us a reason to play.
Also, the new zone is amazing, but after a few quests, it just gets incredibly boring. So there’s no real content for a week—this is supposed to be a new season worth coming back for? Next week, things will be different and fine, sure. This is just a one-week problem—go do other things, touch some grass…