Unfair Random(/Epic) Battlegrounds

Hello! I understand what you are talking about and I accept it since it is true. If you are playing for 1 win and than log of since, you have not much time, then there is no problem. I understand it. But the problem is that, there are players like myself who are trying to get the best gear as soon as possible since I am competitive. I am sure a lot s of player is like me. And for us this is a problem since we are not running bgs for that 1 win. Also if I make a new character and I want to try it in pvp and not in open world, then it s fustrating that I can not do anything for the team victory, since I am being farmed. So what I want to say, is that your point is right if somebody is in the same situation as you. But for the more competitive players this system is a problem. Item scaling would be great. And regular bgs would be more enjoyable.

I agree that 220+ players “can be found” on 1.3k+ cr already… but thats something where u go with 200+ ilvl, so you have more chance to win & less chance to meet those 220+ players.
I cannot agree with you on that “you run out of content”
You cannot rly run out of it only if you play 24/7 over months. But that can be solved by just trying out an other character :slight_smile:
Here comes the problem, as the previous replier says, you cannot rly try it, and random bgs should be used to get a basic gear + get to know your character before you go on rateds… now those cannot be used to learn due to the high gear differences.
I also cannot agree with you saying toxic lfg players… at least here in europe, we have been invited to many communities after joining random groups cuz we all were just so nice & wanted to keep in touch for more games later.
If you meant random battlegrounds, then ye, there are many toxic ppl, if you meant lfg for rateds, then i must say there are very nice people (mostly)

Yeah i completaly agree when u put it like that. Maybe if people could convert mark of honor into honor points. We could use those coins to quickly get 197 gear for our alts. I havent played the game for long and even i can tell this pvp system is very outdated, it needs some change to make it more casual friendly, and maybe people will stay, i started played with a couple of friends, and now im the only player with sub left sadly

I understand. I personaly have had little issues with lfg myself, but ive heard enough from friends that its not always a great time. Ive found alot of friends and simular minded players doing lfg. So its not all bad ofc. And yes wow has alot of content to offer, so depending on what u prefer doing, you can play all day for months without runing out hehe

sub rogue hits for 44k damage on opner

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Rets still outhealing healers in arena :ballot_box_with_check:
Rets still global people :ballot_box_with_check:
Rets still fully heal them selfs or their team mates :ballot_box_with_check:

you obviously dont know how to outplay one
out heal and global because you let them?
you know you have to let their burst window expire and not let them get near you

the damage is because of one geared person 25+ versa against someone who doesnt have same gear
also lets see your main because you seem to be a ret hater we got gear gap issue

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When it comes to paladins, the way ive been dealing with them is looking for seraphim. Once i see it, depending on the comp, you have to respect it and respond accordingly. Ive had many matches where my healer/dmg partner just die instantly, and yes those games feelsbad. But it is very predictable. U can see it coming miles away, and pala isnt rly a very mobile class. It has weaknesses

Sure i bite, you seem to have reading issues never wrote that but thank you verry much for your concern, i know perfectly well howto handle ret.
Doesnt make my respons to your statement false anyhow.
They havnt changed much at all if anything, dont take my word for it go watch mes when he globals 3 at the same time in rbgs or any other r1/blizzcon streamer who randomly dies to “nerfed” ret, fully geared vs fully geared players.

Please explain to everyone, because i think im not the only one who would like to know, how do you stay out of melee range an entire arena vs a ret to guarantee that the slot machine doest randomly kill you?

I dont hate ret at all quite the contrary, im a firm believer every spec should be good.
I died a few hours ago to a ~220 ret while i was on ~70% to 0% with my shield wall active, earth shield with resto leggo while im 226 on procced wings none the less.
Sure thats rare but doesnt that seem absurd to you?

My win pct in Epic Battegrounds is around 30%, sometimes have to spent many hours to get 1 win on my rogue and druid.

I have the luxury being horde, so i can merc. Guess what, it doesnt matter at all.

Is it possible you can meet premade in epic bg’s ?. Especially at nightime, it doesnt matter which side im on, the otherside is very coordinated, and my side dont even know what or where Sphere orb is in Ashran, or what RPG’s is in WG etc etc.

I cant expect 70% winrate, 45-50% will do.

This morning all my bgs full blue teams vs full ally geared feels good.

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your issue is not rare at all
ive seen complaints about other specs do same vs resto(sub rogue?)
and im sorry but i do not play high rated arena

we need real pvp tuning so cases like yours should never happen
also wod style pvp gear scaling in pvp

I would swear that it is the reversed O.o
When I play normal bg I usually win more than lose, but when I play epic… I only play epic in premade for this reason.


I would like the option to ban these bg’s.


Seething shore
Deepwind gorge
Temple of Kotmogu.

Reason… I hate them. And i get them always.

I rarely get Wsg.

But blizzard want to give the achivements hunters competition. So I have to que in on specific and loosing out on honor. Ty blizz.

It was before, you could ban 2 bgs :wink:

Getting wsg all morning vs +5 premade fully geared players. All they do is camping GY.

Not sure why Im torturing myself.

Just lost 12 games in a row both epic and random bgs (alliance). Horde is so much more dominent, better geared and focused on winning(prob due to long queus). I gave up going to bgs as Alliance… not worth it, unfun, frustrating

Its funny:

I think queue is just so fine, never have to wait hours, not even a half… usually i can join within 2-3 minutes, but i figured out something about the gear difference…
I see there are comments on both mine & other topic, saying they lose many matches as horde too… so it might be not a problem of alliance.
By the first hand, i was thinking, alliance players have more experience & can go rated, while horde players don’t have enough to roll on rateds so they prefer to farm random bgs to feel enjoyment. (PLEASE READ MORE, i dont think anymore that alliance players have more experience, i just thought it previously, but its not about alliance or horde, both factions have experienced players for sure)
But then i done weekly quest with my main, 223 ilvl and i kept winning 9/10 games…
So at the end of the day i realized, its not about unexperienced players anywhere, it totally seem to me that random bg / random epic bgs want to give bad time to low geared people…

Shortly: When i queue as low gear, i meet +5 220+ ilvl against me
When i queue as high gear, i mostly meet low gear people.
IDK why its like that, but thats what i experienced… so in the name of all players who get rekt by high gear people while they are low gears:
PLEASE add some item level scaling like, let everyone be scaled to 220 ilvl so at least our stats will be similar & have more chance to fight!!

As someone who only plays Alliance i have given up BG’s altogether i have no interest at all playing horde and i have no interest anymore playing with people in BG’s who give up even before gates open.

Also pvp in this expansion plain out sucks i hate burst gameplay its boring and makes playing a new character feel awful.


You need like 70k honor farmed in random bgs that give you about 350 honor per win to get your gear to 197 at which point you are still a useless one shot target for all the M+ / Rated geared people running in that said random bg one shotting you while “making some rude gestures” at you … Blizzard trully has no CLUE what they are doing .
And i see multiple videos popping up on YT “why is WOW loosing so much of their sunbscribers?” ! Seriously ? Enter a random BG and find out . Level a toon or an alt to 60 and try gearing it … THATS WHY .