Unhinged Legendary Memory

So i’ve been farming the Unhinged Lengendary memory that drops from Xav the Unfallen in Theater of Pain for 3 days now. I have done roughly 70 runs of the place and still no legendary memory drop. Anyone experiencing this or am I doing something wrong?

What difficulty are you running? Should be easy to get on M0 or M+.
Even on normal it should not take that many runs.

Have been farming it on Normal and heroic. Also did my weekly m0 and still no luck. It’s super irritating, especially because I need it for pvp.

Do it on M+ 2 it will probably drop on the first run.

Alrighty. I’ll give that a go now. Thanks!

Thanks so much. Did a +3 ToP and got it straight away!

Is the tormented kings legendary really much better than anything else? Since I don’t have it still, but I’m stacking a lot of soul ash for when I get it, but I’m curious since if it’s not im just gonna upgrade my unhinged or arbiter one

Yes kings is BIS for arms warriors, i made my bracers yesterday and directly made the 225 ilvl version. Unhinged is second place but if i where u just go for the kings! kings is 100% drop rate btw

That’s the biggest issue, i haven’t done generals yet

Signet of Tormented Kings is very good and best to have

You can cast avatar / bladestorm at randoms while casting them yourself , which would boost a lot your damage as Arms and the extra bleeds :

  • Avatar casted = Bladestorm casted
  • Bladestorm casted = Avatar casted
  • Ravager casted = Bladestorm or Avatar casted

Unhinged is bladestorm only giving mortal strike , which is far less effective

easy way to do it

Go to premade groups type in Generals join it kill it and there u go

Do you always pick Ravager while using signet?

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