Not just that they nerfing death coil for 20% without any compensation
Already 4pic set is nerfed in pvp amplify dmg from 5% to 2%.
Magus of dead shadow bolt is nerfed by 30%
Other classes gona eat us with 4pic set.
About frost dk i dont wana talk spec should be deleted no one playing it anyway.
I’m playing frost.
Haha whole dk community love frost more than unholy but its uplayable even in wotlk frost is worst melee.
I didn’t meet any frost dk in shuffle this season.
It’s actually a longer story. The way we were treated is an everyday occurrence for DK.
The damage reduction for Gargoyle and Army, given the damage of other classes, was pathetic and pointless. That is, the goal was to limit our damage to a single target. 1 minute Kingsbane does more than Gargoyle or Army, which have longer CDs - Blizzard, you are pathetic, the same person who counts xp in Diablo 4 is probably responsible for this balance.
The previous bonus was much better. Why do I need mages coming out of the ground when the enemies have 30-40% health?
Previously, I could get 20% more damage before a fight or get 20 stacks with a good tank pull.
Now the adds will die faster than my mages will cast something - this is obviously the lack of experience of the developer, who is weak in design, which is why he delivers crap content.
Please replace this person with someone competent.
No buffs compensated for the 20% loss of our damage, so there is nothing to talk about in the context of redirecting damage from the gargoyle and army to the rotation - it’s purely a courtesy.
Other classes received real buffs, but not DK.
We don’t currently fill any niche, neither the ST niche nor the AoE niche. Our iconic skills like Army and Gargoyle are actually just CDs - that’s all they have left of being iconic, a long CD.
My condolences
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