Oh no they changed design and now I had press additional button, how am i so stupid?
2s rating in df in season where they didnt reset mmr… Dude u r rival in shuffle now, where if u at least knew how to press w and dps rotation could get on dk duelist
And 2s rating after shadowlands - doesn’t matter, 0 single good players are playing 2s, and probably it confirms because people like you got 2.5 here
I’m not hiding, tiny brain dk player, i even use same names LOL
I cba, ego from s1 df shuffle, how in another words I should say you that u r lowrated monkey from shuffle who unable to get any rating before df?
So much ego from dk shuffle player, oh no
Keep trying this season on udk, the most broken spec in this game now, when probably current nerfs aren’t enough. But, the funniest, you are hardstuck on 1800 this season, mr 2.5 2s player from season where blizzard didnt reset mmr
maybe look for a check-pvp usage guide. 70% winrate is not hardstuck.
my record is from last season ye. thats doesnt mean its my only 2.4+ season. crazy that i have to explain this to a grown human.
no, you are hardstucked, in shuffle you can receive like +400-500 rating going 6-0
where is ur duelist, 2.5 player from 2s?
Unable to read?
Doesn’t matter, when I’m arguing with 0 braincells low rated players it feels like I’m starting loosing iq too
The Forums are my favourite PvP bracket ngl.
You forgot that DK is not part of the VIP classes that are mage, rogue, rdruid and dpriest.
Everything else will be hammered with nerfs but those VIP at best will be wrist slapped.
Either play a VIP class or suffer
i dont have any shuffle games xD
again: maybe look for a check-pvp usage guide.
weird that i faced quite a few 2.7+ multi glad players above 2.4
ur simply clueless.
what we can agree on tho is that if ud play 2s it would be +1 brainded player.
This argument is just not aging well, is it? Especially when it keeps coming from people who never qd a single real arena game and pref to q high damp skirmish with inflated mmr (not a case this ssn).
It’s funny bcs I don’t really see people complaning about shuffle. But shufflers perma cry. Mad?
Shuffle denier, keep crying that nobody wants to play ur pathetic 3v3
Ah, I can’t… Why r u so dumb? Ret thing? Lowrating thing? And please post from your main, retail character u actively played last time, and not classic character
U r both only crying about 3v3 but never playing it seriously, isn’t it funny or lack of ur intellect?
all speccs are dumb except BM hunter, right? xDD
I cant believe a real human being can say that
Where I said anything about bm? Stop making this stuff up
Like this classic ret doing
Those dang level 80 Classic characters.
My level matches with the others. It’s a perfect strategy. On the other hand you need to caught up.
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It’s a SoD character m8 I promise.
Raiding BWL today with my Ulduar mog.
Went to shuffle today, DK won 5/6 shuffle, top DPS, except maybe feral.
I watched a stream with a 2k mmr shuffle and dk did 1.2mio dps. Dunno, seems fine.
DK are bane of noobs yet overly straight foward class for people who know what to do…
People just fail to realise that DK is strongest class in game in first fight of arena, when he have all cooldowns, so they usually disrespect it with not using defensive, not runing away from him… instead they stay near DK and trade with him… but no one can trade with DK specially in early game… Result is: people die spectaculary, dk smashes them like “p000ps”, than complain how DK is OP, instead educating themself. In the end we have those unjust nerfs.
Tips vs DK for those who complain:
-Respect his early game DK is strongest class in game on first clash (use defensives)
-Dont stay in zoo
-When he pulls you in struggle to escape soon as possible
-Do not stack ! (Goal is to avoid DK hiting multiple targets, its where he excells)
-Dont let DK have long uptime on you you simply need to reset necrotics
-DK are one of best high dampening kill targets, yet nearly immposible target to kill early.
-If you not allow DK to hit you, he will use his defensives to keep himself offensive, which you can easy punish later, that playsyle can easly leave DK a sitting duck
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i think DK is pretty much a good average now. What doesnt work anymore is too just steamroll people with pve rotation, dk needs to actually interrupt, cc and play a bit smart. So overall I think it was a fair change.
Not in defense of UDK but, the nerfs were a bit too much. Considering a class with a strong AoE dmg , good utility through grips and slows and effective defensive versus magic dmg but even though a plate class DK finds hard times versus physical damage dealers. DS healing is a meme 40 RP kinda wasted
Dk is fine. Specs like feral and other melee make it seem like a joke