Unholy DK pvp nerfs are too much - Blizzard review

No you looked at details and saw the DK cleaving all your demonology pets. He still did bottom kill damage, having the worst single target damage profile in game

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your record in arena is 1500. This is extremely bad, youre at the very bottom of player skill. DK is pretty hard to deal with for small brains, even when it is weak. This is also coincidentally why it always gets nerfed first

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No. It wasn’t me, it was on a stream.

Stop coping, thanks.

Why did you post this non-reply? Nobody questioned if it can do 1.2m opener, it just cant do 800k sustained which you lied about. Your class can do 1.2m sustained tho.

Nope, not a lie. The fact that YOU can’t do that doesn’t mean people who know how to play do.

Accuses me of lying, proceeds to lie himself.

Chanimal did 1.2mil sustained in a full 2+ minute game of awc post-nerf.

Also you lied, the fact that Mes and Petkick can’t do it means that your argument “people who know how to play do” is useless.

You know you lied too since you didnt post the screenshot. Would be too easy to pick apart.

I literally provided a screenshot from a random DK from a shuffle from Jazggz stream. You on the other did not provide a screenshot.

So far you’re the one lying. :man_shrugging:
(btw, i don’t even deny that Chan was able to pull that off since he was playing with a sub rogue. I didn’t watch every game though because i was on vacation).

Yeah you claimed 1.2m opener that dropped off into 800k sustained, but we both know it never lasted long enough to have any sustain since the enemy played this so badly.
(3 casters all on half hp vs DK means they let themselves get stacked up and aoe’d when all of the enemy specs can escape grip blind)

But you never posted the screenshot of end of round damage or of 800k sustained dps on details.

Nobody is denying that unholy does 1.2m opener by pressing abom and DT. Terrible design. The class does 0 damage outside of those two buttons tho, so theres no 800k sustain.

Liquid played dk/rogue into shadowplay in the latest AWC. they lost the round and despite their opponents keep playing shadowplay, they swapped out the dk for an affli lock to win the series.
like one of the best teams with arguably the best dk cant play the class into double wizards. but ye dk is totally fine.


Unholy was not fine then, it’s not fine now either.

There is no realistic “counterplay” to a guy who perma slows you, kills you from range and with pets, grips you nonstop and is immune to all forms of CC

By “not fine now” I mean it’s too weak now. 15% was too much, a simple 8 to 10% would have been good enough to balance it perfectly.

It is funny how they do these things for some specs that are good for a few weeks, yet ignore others who are broken for months or years.

I see 2 caster sp and and healer druid PvE cleaved by woods and D&D in opener only the 1 sp using trinker and resto was full stun silence. That damage is just and opener. Is doesn’t mean is fine,if you see AWC 2s 3s even in solo DK is in bad spot compere to other classes. I wish for less aoe useless dam and give so single burst.
Also dks feel strong in opener 45 sec after in1.5 min with abo.

I mean its more of a problem because of how strong healers are currently we dont actually need damage buffs but necrotic wounds going back to 30% would probably help us be competitive.

DK would be really strong if we was in a rdruid/rshaman meta right now its just disc/holy have a lot of counters for dk and the burst heals/shields make our 1.5 min goes pretty much useless.

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Too much? DKs are insane right now. They have far too much control.

no. the problem is that other speccs are simply better. theres is no comp that favors dk over other stronger alternatives.

dk is historically good in priest metas.
thats not the issue at all.

the issue with the 1.5 min go is that the riders always wander off to the healer. so basically a huge portion of ur dmg that comes from hero talents just runs away from ur killtarget, if the kt is not the healer.

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uhdk right now has the highest decline in participation of all speccs both in 3s and in shuffle.
dont get me wrong i like that the fotm rerollers are leavin the class. but the drastic decline in numbers shows that the nerfs were definetly too much.


You cant tell me that you have problems dealing with other classes when your burst comes out the class design is there its just the classes that have the most damage during burst windows wins because healers can just keep people topped at 80% we need either the pet AI to hit our current target so that our burst is not rng like other classes or necrotic wounds buffed so we can rot people down and healers cant just keep the target topped.

It was the case when they have to cast penance to heal yes but now that they have 2 spell schools that heal and shields are the majority of their heals its different dk is strong when it can get people low and then they have to take the risk of been kicked trying to pick themselfs up or if you can swap to a healer and kill them in a setup but disc has an answer to a lot of this now.

Ye it needs to be fixed but the actual damage from our dots does not need to be buffed they should focus on other things for dk to be viable like necrotic wounds and pet AI.

DK always has this tho not many people main it its the same for spriest it is only played when its overperforming the way dk was before was so simple to play that it allowed people who still had pet auto stun on to kill people.

laugh in mage

This is exactly what it is.

But Blizzard still balances this game around 1.4 players that can’t do a proper focus.

They see a DK with all the pets summoned (once per arena usually) and they still go ALL IN, then cry because they died, but then a mage can spam 1.5m damage instants and its all good.


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