Unholy pvp rotation question

Hi! Should I use only Necrotic Strike or should I use Sourge Strike too? If so, when?
I really want to give a chance to UH probaly my rating will drop to 0 from 1700 but I dont care…

PS: My plan is that I will help the LFG healers to get 1400 or 1600 while I practice this spec. I hate Frost and I think Chillstreak is the dumbest spell in the game and it should not exists. Hope it will be removed in 9.1.


Honestly the best UH PVP rotation is to swap back to frost or reroll :S
Agree with you on boring frost, but UH is really dumpster tier at the moment, especially in 2s. In 3s you can sort of make it work to a certain extent… but you are mostly gimping yourself and your partners.

I tried NS a little (tried with more haste gear and PI on burst from my priest), I find that I destroy disc priests with it, the rest of the healers mostly ignore me and heal through it all with just passive healing. Also playing NS limits your targeting, IE: mobile ranged classes can kite you as you won’t have Clawing Shadows, not too mention the damage loss from using NS. That was the biggest issue I found, outside of the other 1000 things wrong with UH.


So I should only use NS. Thanks for the details btw. I rather do a reroll but I will never touch Frost again. It just not my style.

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I see what you mean, don’t like frost too much but its bearable, I just feel I preferred the older frost where killing machine would proc quite often, now because of such low crit I feel it never procs, so damage outside of cooldowns isn’t great. But UH forever :wink:

Yeh if running the NS build you want to focus a little more haste over mastery and run :

Talents: Infected Claws / Bursting Sores / Pestilent Pustules
Honor Talents: Raise Abomination / Necrotic Aura / Necrotic Strike

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