Unholy tuning

please be careful with the tuning too harsh too early. I haven’t had a chance to play beta yet, but history dictates that early harsh nerfing takes too long to revert and is damaging to the class.

Shadowlands was an example where it was near top then mastery “tuned” and was smashed into the floor.

Old BFA nerfs destroyed pvp until marginally undone half way through shadowlands.
Such as death strike for example.

Please take care to not to go to far too soon and please don’t tune us so we end up being a cool-down hero and useless outside of them.
CDs should compliment not control the play.


Pvp-pve tuning. One problem for dk i can found is army of the dead. in sl was powerful and in pvp is not option. So we get nerf to overal damage or mastery to balance it. And in pvp we lost alot of damage. We see same strategy thous last days tuning dks. I start to warrie. Like also the way that death coil and clowning shadow is feeling more impact on the game. Also i wish to reverse the talent army of the dead with army of the damned so we can have easy access for pvp option.


Exactly this, a powerful but useless cd in pvp. Resulting in issues balancing pvp.

I hope they tune round other skills to reduce overall power of CD and or make army viable on a smaller cd so it can be used.


tuning pvp talens maybe it could be something like necrotic woods 4 stucks same value…
4/5 pvp talent are troll… gargoil 2 min cd. 3 mins way way long, festering strike 3 woods.
and also feel alot of bottons to make a good go alot of gcds…


UH is a dot class and any attempt to make it bursty will fail.

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