Yo yo all!
I am here to discuss a petpeeve of mine, and maybe we as the argent dawn community could come together and solve this petpeeve of mine if many of us maybe feel the same!
I do not think many do, and I am just being nitpicky! heh.
It comes down to the names of the days and the months, as we all use the real world names for our days and months, and it kinda takes me out of this fantasy world planning events in character having to use the real life names for the day and months I am speaking of.
The days and months are based on historical figures and real life religions that have no connection to our fantasy world.
So maybe we as AD could start to use our own calendar with lore friendly names for months and days that we can use in character!
Here are my proposals for the âA-Dawnien Calendarâ:
January - Azures Birth
(Named after the smaller moon âThe Blue childâ the months start anew and a new year is âbornâ) -
February - Queens frost
(Named for being the last of the frost and in honour of the winter queen) -
March - Rezans moon.
(No good reason, I just like rezan and think Troll king loa would have some impact on the world as they once was a giant empire.) -
April - First Bloom.
(Named after that the first spring flowers and plants starts to bloom) -
May - Malornes Wake
(Named after the Demigod Malorne, as spring and bloom is peak) -
June - Sunâs peak
(Named for the brightest days of the year) -
July -
August - The Celestials dawn
(Named after the august celestials, and that summer is coming to an end. also a nice throwback to the august celestials) -
September - Elunes rest
(Named after the goddess Elune and that she is going to rest as fall is upon the world and life slows down) -
October - Hallows Harvest / Harvesters moon
(Named after the strange things that happens this month and farmers need to harvest their crops) -
November - Norgannons weave
(Named after the Titan Norgannon, and how he weaves the the night sky and brings in the winter dark) -
December - Moons Veil
(Named after the biggest of the moons, The white lady as the year as come to an end)
Monday - Mironsday
(Named after the keeper Mimiron, held in high regards by the Gnomes, a day to start being productive and inventive) -
Tuesday - Therasday
(Named after the elemental lord Therazane, The stone mother, The earth mother) -
Wednesday - Help?
Thursday - Tyrsday
(named by the humans after the titan keeper Tyr) -
Friday - Freyasday
(Named after the Titan Freya) -
Saturday - Help?
Sunday - Help?
Well, this is just an idea for a more cohesive lore friendly calendar that we could use ingame incharacter.
Hoping to hear from you all.
The Big Love.
- Rard