Unified in-universe calendar. [Petpeeve]

The only thing the timeskip did is equalize the passage of in-game expansions with real world time. It’s been around seven years in real life since the launch of Battle for Azeroth as well.

I think the writers are cowards for not making it longer and giving everyone a bit of TLC during that bridge of time tbh.


Tender Love/loving Care

This might be an incredibly controversial hot take, but I think they should’ve given us at least one page of info for every race, about what they had been up to in the timeskip.


At least we know now what Kul Tiras was up to. Every other nation can btfo I guess

It’s a sad fact that it took us three years to find out what happened in a three year timeskip.

I like the general idea of a more flavourful in-game calendar, but I doubt it would ever be viable.

You’d have to get everyone on board with this, and I doubt there will ever be a way to do that. You’ll end up trying to tell someone to meet you on Mironsday, assuming this is well-established IC, but to whoever you’re talking to, it’s the first time they’ve ever heard of it.

And if you tell a human or night elf that you’re looking forward to Rezans Moon, they’ll just be very concerned about you.

Still, kudos on the creative work here, from a player perspective a lot of these sound really cool!

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the calender that has been stated here, before the battle of yavin and After the battle of yavin (bby and Aby) are used outside of the universe by fans and writters to give a time line. Its never is it used within the actual shows books ect, So the comparison doesnt work,

Sorry Loras, tagged you when it was meant to be the person you replied to,

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