Unitframes better health abbreviation?

From what I can tell, in the “older days” there were addons (Such as UnitFramesImproved) that used the following to be able to set custom health text on unit frames:

hooksecurefunc(“TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues”, FunctionToCall);

But ever since the latest Dragonflight patch (10.2.7), that method can no longer be hooked into.
So now when a target has for example 1.500.000 health, it is written out as “1500k” instead of “1.5m”.

Is there a new function to hook into instead? Is there another way to customize how the health numbers are abbreviated?


hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBarMixin","UpdateTextStringWithValues", FunctionToCall);

Ah, I see! Thanks, this repo is definitely useful for future references.
I tried fiddling some more with it. It seems if I used a string for the Table reference, it threw exceptions.
So this line made it not-break on load:

hooksecurefunc(TextStatusBarMixin,"UpdateTextStringWithValues", FunctionToCall);

If I changed the 2nd parameter, it would complain about the function not existing. So that part is at least correct.
But the actual callback I referenced (FunctionToCall). No matter how many parameters I give it, that is never called.

You may need to wait till the Mixin has loaded before you hook into it. Not sure, I’m better with macros than Lua.

Hmm ElvUI seems to prefix all their Mixin hooks with _G.

So like,

local _G = _G
hooksecurefunc(_G.TextStatusBarMixin,"UpdateTextStringWithValues", FunctionToCall);

Thanks! I tried both this (And a bunch of other things I could google my way to). None of it ever seems to register events on this mixin.

I just have to keep trying until something works haha

I actually just found another forum post that gave a perfect solution: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/player-target-health-text/1848056/2

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Nice, Fizzle does good work.

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