Unity still bugged since 9.2 release

Will blizzard ever fix the unity legendary effect until dragonflight release? :thinking: 6 Months and unity still doesnt work with druid nf convoke and venthyr ravenous frenzy. Only solution is to unequip and equip the item BEFORE you start a m+ key, raid boss encounter and other stuff.

Its annoying because this bug is 100% more important than a stupid fov fix they did in like seconds.

PS: reported this bug multiple time ingame and here on eu we dont have a bug forum. So we get no answer from the devs.

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Must be a personal bug…
My nf convoke is working as it should with unity…


on which piece do you use unity. because its not on every slot bugged. my rings and wrist work but on head my convoke is bugged nad on my belt its ravenous frenzy -.-.

I have unity on Belt for all specs. But I only have NF.

Works fine for me on my druids.

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Venthyr Unity for druid works as intented.No problem here.


Wfiw it has happened to me as venth/nf Havoc as well on a couple of occasions.

Sinful brand doesn’t refresh with eyebeam. Un/reequipping solves the issue, annoying none-the-less. (A Google suggestion it has happened to others)

ye it happend to me too
it happens a lot when you switch gear before you change spec
so for example it happens to me 100% time when i change leggo for bala while i’m still in guardian spec
so after i change spec convoke is not 1 min CD but it’s 2 min cd

It’s not a personal BUG xD

yup its not personal. A quick google search gives you a lot of results from months ago and its still not fixed lol.


ok…might it be that you have 2 unity-items that you change during spec-change?

Might be that during the spec-change you have 2 of them temporarily equipped at the same time and then by automatically unequipping one of them it gets removed but not readded.

Is not bugged for me…

yes and for each spec its in a different slot. could be one reason for the bug and the game gets confused.
feral - head
balance - belt
guardian - ring

But ring always works but head and belt doesn’t :thinking: Very strange and annoying

Try the following (not a solution but just the search for the cause):

The switch from Feral to Guardian might work because internaly it first moves unity from the head and then adds it through the ring.

The switch from Guardian to Feral might not work because it moves a second unity into the head (normally an illegal move) and then removes the ring-unity and by that removes the effect (under the assumption that it’s unique).

Now to the test of that theory:
Either the switch from Feral to Balance or the switch from Balance to Feral should also work and the other direction should not.

Now for the developers:
That’s from the development side such a fringe-case that it might well be that no one there ever thought about such a synergy of effects from different subsystems happening. Reports of users mostly are no help because they just claim “doesn’t work” and the development team can’t figure out the specific circumstances that make it “not work”.

I fixed it this way till blizzard do something about it
Open character panel
go to my unity slot press ALT unequip/equip back
the only thing you need to do is to REMEMBER it every time you change specs
because it happend to me that i was doing m+ with 2min convoke CD it was painful :smiley:

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