Unknown Game (wow_test)

Since many months ago, there is a notification in my launcher about games that require updates that just say ‘Unknown Game (wow_test)’

How can I get rid of this? The notification says there is an update available yet it doesn’t download anything when I click on it, nor I can delete it.

I know for sure this isn’t TWW beta nor 11.0 PTR because I already have both of those installed. I also have installed Classic PTR, Classic Era PTR and 10.2.7 PTR, and none of them are on this strange wow_test

Read the “WoW won’t start” topic what is edited recently. There is a solution.

You need to uninstall the battle net app (u will find how), then reinstall it.

Before reinstall the app, run a diagnostic on your hard drive/SSD, and check for the newest firmware on your SSD (if u use SSD).

There r not PTR server up at the moment, just the Beta, so dont try to install PTR version.

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