Unlock Argus For Alts

Title says it all.
Blizzard please, if you have unlocked Argus 10 times, it should by default be enabled instantly once you are lvl 120 on lets say a BOOSTED character. The portal should just appear in Krasus Landing so you can do your transmog runs.

Thank you.


Yes please !


It should automatically have the option to skip the story to unlock Argus if youve already completed it once prior BfA.
I agree having to unlock it again and again and again is so boring and cant experience content as a fresh 110 lvl character without struggling through the quest chain


Yes, please. It feels so strange - and embarrassing - to have completed the entire campaign on my main character, but still having to ask for a summon in Legion raid runs on my Horde main.

It sounds lazy of me but Argus burnt me out so terribly I never want to repeat any part of it. (Not to say it was bad.)


And a Dalaran hearthstone to boot!!


Wait, don’t you just go to Khadgar at 110, head over to Orgri/SW for your boat ride to the exodar and then do like 2 quests on Argus and then you can pretty much travel anywhere you’ve already unlocked there?

Pretty sure I did this with multiple alts when I was farming for Uuna, can’t say I remember each alt taking more then maybe 10 mins to unlock.


Yes it should.

The portal should disappear for anyone who isn’t willing to accept our Draenei overlords.

Use legion engineering 1 and toy to port there

Same issue with Isle of Thunder here. I farm the mounts in ToT (got the birdie yesterday - yay!). Well. It’s a few scenarios and it’s done. But still…

I think Argus should be part of the Legion levelling experience if you pick it.

Thats cost of having more chances on mounts stop asking for free stuff.

Blizzard should make all quest chains that unlock some game-play feature - such as Argus, BfA warfronts, Nazjatar, Mechagon, Heart of Azeroth, Horrific Visions, 8.3 Legendary Cloak, etc. - only necessary to be completed once. Repeating those tedious quests on alts is really not fun!

It seems they are actually doing this in Shadowlands with the covenant quests. Apparently alts will be able to immediately choose a covenant without having to repeat the quests. Maybe Blizzard learned that the quest-lines for game-play features are annoying when they created some alts in 8.3 and did that legendary cloak quest more than twice.

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Why should blood elf or horde be accepted on draenei ship? Argus should only be accessible to alliance after bfa wars especially teldrasil, the first allies of draenei were the night elves. They should insta kill you every time you set foot there

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Do you remember the Sunwell? The redemption of the Blood Knights? That the Naaru had actually given us its powers willingly because it knew it would save us in the end? Velen knew this, the reason is …omg my brain blanked, the belf Paladin woman. I need more coffee.

Anyway my point is, Velen let us go because of the Naaru and he knows we are different from the Belves in Outland who were with Kael’thas.

Edit: LIADRIN!!!

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You burned draenei elf allies. Legion is over. Go back to mudhuts

Aahhhhhahahaha I imagine how you cried when you wrote those words. :grin:

How old are you?


GZ on the bird!

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Unlock both scythes on my account blizzard!!!

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This is true, 4 days ago i’ve unlocked Lightforged and Void Elfes in 2 days, playing daily, rep boost is really huge. Acces to Vindicaar means, you must complete Uniting The Isles quest, Complete Broken Shore intro quest, take Hand of Fate quest, and you are basically on Argus.