Unlock Firemaw

All my chars are on Firemaw except my priest, and i cant transfer over cause of this lock.
Please unlock it.

Please unlock Firemaw.

I had been waiting to transfer off Skullflame to Firemaw, where all my other characters are. Now my rogue and warlock have been transferred to Mograine, which has ZERO Alliance population?!



Alliance wont get transfer option to Firemaw. Already too many players and when Wotlk comes, there will be queues. Bad luck.

This statement makes no sense, as the Horde-side Gehennas is almost twice as high as alliance firemay. so there is clearly another reason they dont want to open it.
And transfer to Gehennas are open too.

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So i have found a new guild on Firemaw, and I can’t bring the reminding alts from Ashbringer.
This is not a good experience! I can’t even pay for it and it’s ruining my good experience with Blizzard.
Worth mentioning im a hard-core payer and I don’t want before releasing of Wrath my characters to be stuck on a dead server like Ashbringer, i have spent so much time playing and farming on them, and now i can’t move where I planing to raid in Wrath.
I am willing to pay for the transfers to bring my alts to Firemaw.
I’m waiting for Blizzard to help players with the expected quality as always.
Thank you.

I agree… All of my alts is stuck on Earthshaker, while my guild is on Firemaw. Should be able to transfer your alts atleast!

Horde should be able to go Firemaw for free.

STILL LOCKED BLIZZ! You know the drill by now

They did a scheme like this on Barthilas-US (Oceanic).

Players could move for free to the server if they were Alliance, or could faction change for free to Alliance.

What happened? Players went to Barthilas as Alliance and faction changed to Horde. Some Horde players Faction changed to Alliance and then left to Frostmourne-US (Oceanic).

how many more days?

After making a ticket i got a response from a GM that i should reach out in the forums… Seems that this has had no effect so far.
I just want to be able to play with my friends. They cant change server since there is an entire guild wrapped around them and i cant play with them since i cant transfer my lvl 70’s to the server :frowning:



Let me bring my alts where my main is playing, for God’s sake!!!

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Currently, transfers to gehennas, which has a population of approximately 22k players is open. But transfers to firemaw, which now is at approximately 11.5k is still closed? How is this even a thing still?

Please open the transfers to Firemaw. It makes no sense to have it locked, seeing it is possible to transfer to Gehennas which is 2x bigger already.

They literally forgot. I doubt it will be fixed even in Wrath. So tragic lol

The same happened to me and seems like not worth spending our time, or in worst-case scenario, i may even stop playing since i can’t move my lvl 70s to the server i am willing to play with my friends.

Is it Blizzards fault all your friends decided to move to the most crowded server?