Unlock legeion dungeons

Hai guys o/

So uhm, I am wondering. How do I unlock the ability to do old dungeons. I would looove to do legion dungeons for artifact appearances. But I can only sign up for Bfa. I am max level. I know on a lower level you can choose your expansion. However I dont get that option from Chromie as max level. Could a kind soul pls tell me how to get acces to legion dungeons?
Thank you advance

At max level you need to go to the older dungeons’ entrances and enter the dungeons by foot. There’s no queue for the older expansions’ dungeons at max level.

So just fly to the entrance of each Legion dungeon and set up the dungeon difficulty beforehand by right clicking your character’s portrait and choosing the difficulty option.


Sadly you will have to there by foot as Torok said.

Maybe this can be prove to be helpful!

Oh wauw thank you

I ran out of likes so here is a :heart:

:heart: right back

As an extra tip.
There is a pet battle quest chain that unlocks several dungeon teleports.

  • Wailing caverns
  • Deadmines
  • Blackrock depths
  • Gnomeregan
  • Stratholme

Especially stratholme is a useful one to have if you feel like farming the mount.

The teleports get available after completing the pet battle dungeon.
You start the quest at the stables in Dalaran.
Manapoof the elemental thingy will show all the available teleport options once you unlock them

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Ohhh ^^ i love Pet battles. Thank you for your tip

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Some can be quite though but you can heal throughout the dungeon.
Using a guide could be helpful.
And the blackrock depths version is really though if you don’t have certain pets

For me seems like some pet dungeon tactics do not works after the nerf of the “shattered armor” effect. Especially important tactics in BRD pet dungeon, where aren’t any alternative tactics available.
Anyone find new ways to still be successfull there?

With some hard work found solution. :slight_smile:

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