Unnecessary dps warrior aoe cap changes (nerfs)

These nerfs getting out of hand. Bladestorm and odyn’s fury nerfs was understandable. %3 aura nerf didnt make sense but we still was okay with it. but capping aoe of roar and odyn’s fury is just absurd. after the nerfs logs shows fury warrior is middle in the pack for overall and bottom for single target dps. so why is the nerfs keep coming ? what is data and reasoning balance team have ? Fury warrior does only one thing and it is burst damage on demand. and now you are also taking that away. we dont have good sustained aoe cleave or good single target in raids. Nerfing fury into ground without compensation buff on single target and sustained aoe is just unfair to us.

Last nerf is going to be last nail to coffin of fury warrior. i dont think fury warrior will perform enough to bringing them into raid or mythic plus.

What a anniversary gift!! Most of other specs are going to get good changes skill tree etc. what dps warrior got more nerfs

I know i am dooming over a game but i invest in fury so much and it is just hurts to keep getting more nerfs. Farmed gear from m plus, spend 500k gold for crafts, consuable etc.

We are getting punished because we overperformed in heroic, m0 dungeons and normal,heroic raid. now when we hit mythic plus and mythic raid adds dont die to the furys burst quickly and other specs have chance to ramp up. they also got their nice 4th tier pieces to increase their dps while dps warrior tier set roughly gives %2 dps increase. so we started fall behind hard.


The fact this is a 20th anniversary patch you’re meant to be excited about makes this all the more insane really. All data at the moment suggests we don’t need more nerfs, if anything, a slight bump in some areas.

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The data shows us a the bottom level in Mythics :

Arms is almost dead last, before BM
And Fury is in the bottom half as well

The only place where fury might shine is burst aoe on some raid boss.

Otherwise, the nerfs are completely unfair and unjustified. We’re already the class with the least utility in mythics, why make us even more useless ?


we actualy need buff not nerf thats masacre and insane paradox

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Problem is they don’t want burst dps but also they designed all fury kit around burst this tier by making reck uptime lower and buffing of and bringing back bladestorm. Now they are trying to lower the burst while raid design is perfect for burst damage and spec is bleeding out because they aren’t giving compensation sustain buffs not even gonna waste my breath on how we don’t scale with gear ( especially really bad tier set) we fall behind really quickly.

Also totally disagree , ever since this nerf fury m+ overall got a huge hit. While stupidly op specs like frost dk pumping harder then our pre nerf version they are still untouched while we became trash tier.


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