Not if they’re trying to finish the Soridormi rep achievement … which I’m still trudging on with
People wanted more content more frequently. This is a consequences of that. Zones are quickly outdated when the new patch comes out.
I agree with others that the interest in Zaralek rares dropped off pretty quick. For me it was when they made changes how the rares worked. It just never recovered.
Personally have written off zaralek caverns as no ones ever doing the activities there, plus its an awfully boring area being underground and all x.x
Because people are tired of constant change of things. When you feel you ready to play game, new things come, and you need to put a great efford to catch up with the new things.
Blizz should understand, this game is popular among old people. Old people who have no time to spend to catch up.
In my opinion, playing on classic Era is the best solution to avoid new things, i am done with seasonal punishment to afford items which are going to be garbage in the following season. Grinding for gear is way too hard.
I find it a great as I will be a masocist and say that I like areas, I will add, if you want someone to do this content with then feel free to hit me up. As someone who came back recently it was a great shame to see it the way it is, but can understand why when everything around it is currently irrelevant.
I guess that’s it but it means it affects those who have more limited time to play who have no chance to do everything they want in the area before it’s deserted. I would guess that’s quite a lot of players.
Id make a argument legion.
Legion incentivized every piece of content for its entire expansion, due to AP, Randomised legendaries and titanforging/warforging.
The open world was never dead in legion as these systems kept everyone going realistically
This isnt a post to say bring it back, or that it was a good idea. Just simply saying it did drive players to keep returning
Which ‘people’ exactly?
Not me, that’s for sure. I like having new stuff to do.
That’s why I play an MMORPG. Neverending content.
Old people are retired. They have loads of time.
Of course, if you’re speaking from the viewpoint of a 12 year old; sure, adults are ‘old’.
This is!
It was a good idea and they should bring it back!
Isn’t that a fallacy?
If there’s ‘quite a lot of players’ who want to do things in an area over a longer period of time, there should be enough of those types of players to do that content with. It wouldn’t be deserted.
On one hand i agree with you but on the other i think if you know how this game works
why not just start playing at the begining of the patch ?
It’s always the people that wait until the end and then cry about that content is impossible to do
If you did play with US during the first 2 weeks of this tier
You would have completed everything from zaralek cavern
It’s the same stuff as with achievement from old content that req at least 3 and more people to do
Do it when it’s current when it’s happening not 6 months later of course you gonna have problems when people already moved to another thing…
Actually, yes. I hadn’t thought it through
Must admit, i only do the dig maps in Zaralek and the Researchers event when the mood takes me. It just hasn’t got that 'feeling ’ that makes me want to go back there
I’m presuming that the people who are still interested in going are using the group finder to find others. I still see listings but over time there are less and less.
I also think it requires a change of mindset to start doing world content in LFG groups I assume most players just show up at rares/events and try to do it.
I have to admit I rarely use the group finder or group up for content. It’s one of the perks of Retail that it’s not necessary with most mobs being multi tag. Very few WQs require groups tbh.
I still do Zaralek / Reach rares from time to time for fun. Anyone can contact me and we can discuss the plan.
That’s the issue, there are loads of events in the world, almost all of them require groups, and people only do the most recent (So most rewarding) stuff, the rest is just… dead.
I find that a shameful waste, having a bunch of stuff going on that’s just useless because it can’t be soloed and groups can’t be bothered anymore.
These areas where made for just alt gearing in mind for people who make alts for mythic, raids.
When a small expasion comes out the ones before become obsolete for the current playerbase, and the ones who would play them are the ones who like zone progression, maybe slower gear progression, solo, questing, event-like gameplay, and these people are viewed as the people who do world quests most of their gametime, or maybe even crafting, or skin/pet/achiviement collectors (but these can come back later with high item level or one shot next expa).
Anyway the game currently doesn’t account for classic like gameplay, good if you find a gameplay for that in current patches, enjoy while you can.
Also the borrowed power, legion systems, where good in that aspect that player were able to grind something, the bad part of it that it affected the whole game.
Now if there were a place you could use borrowed power, but grind it everywhere else in game it wouldn’t be that bad, because it would affect only a map or so. (but this is just a thought)

Legion incentivized every piece of content for its entire expansion, due to AP, Randomised legendaries and titanforging/warforging.
I don’t think AP, rng legendaries nor paragon boxes were healthy mechanics.
Also Legion had Kill 1 Rare WQs and also instant grouping AddOns that made WQs a 30 second joy.
The WQs we’ve had since SL are 8 steps of tedious slog. The rewards aren’t great either generally, 75 rep is an insult for a lot of them, especially as Max Renown is like 75,000 or something.
Reps need to go back to being farmable in dungeons.

I don’t think AP, rng legendaries nor paragon boxes were healthy mechanics.
Also Legion had Kill 1 Rare WQs and also instant grouping AddOns that made WQs a 30 second joy
It wasnt the point im making, my comment wasnt regarding the stability of the game my point was blizzard at one point was running down thr path of endless progression. Anyone who started in the era would have had this concept as a expectstion from the game.