Unplayable areas due to no players

That area is by no means “New” any more.

People have moved on.

Although this will coalesce into a de facto schedule. These events will be done on Reset Day or Saturday.

The days of logging in and deciding on what and where you want to do something are changing to, what old achievements and mount farming will I do while I wait for the defacto schedule of current content.

I’m ok with this to an extent as I’ve been kind of in this mindset since BFA.

This week I was expecting the Dreamsurge go down to Zaralek Cavern that would mean more people would join underground and we would get extra rewards on the rares since Dreamsurge adds extras… Then I could enjoy the quest line downstairs and finally finish…
But no, Blizzard didn’t think they should touch this underground area. I’m very sad now honestly, I spent one more token thinking Dreamsurge should rotate there and it would be cool to play there. :frowning:

In my humble opinion, there are plenty of people there - but you could make a Questing-group via LFR? :thinking:
But the quest/compagain quest (not the WQ, tho’ most of them indeed are) were designed to be soloable, even the ones in the elite area

True, the storyline quests can be soloed, Ebyssian and Sabellian tank everything and help kill the mobs, in fact, doing those quests was the only time i went into that Djaradin-infested hellhole since week 2 of the zone being out.

WQs in that area are not worth it, whoever thought giving every mob there the HP of a medium-sized battleship and a pile of stuns, knockbacks, enrages, and other stuff should have their heads examined…


Yes I’ve finished that main line but then a lot more yellow quests popped up and I seriously was alone most of the time, yes couple of guys here and there, gathering for example. LFG is dead for that zone for me. I thought I receive the new dragonriding mount at the end of that quest line, but I didn’t, not sure what else I need to complete though I might missed something.

Have you tried a neat feature this game has that is called “finding friends” yet? There is like a little window where you can look for a group of people playing together, that group is called guild. Now I uánderstand that most of playerbase consider guild as that one annoying popup of something like “Vegan E Coterorist invited you to join their guild” and automatically accept the feature and then post memes in green chat once or twice a day.

But hear me out. Guilds actually have other features. I know I know it is mindblowing BUT you can actually join any guild you want, with similar interests you have and even do group activities together!

Crazy AMR?

Also there is little neat thingy in the group finder option (you know the same window you use for your only raid option - the raid finder) and it is called - you guessed it! - group finder.

You can go there and look if people happen to look for help with quest or rare you are doing and even start looking for people yourself!

It is almost as if this MULTIPLAYER game had an in-built options to find people to do activities with.

But yeah the above are probably not a solution to anything, it is better to go to the forum and start complaining that nobody wants to bash the same mob I want to bash at exactly given time and that game is empty since I go to the cave, look around and there is nobody there. Dead game…

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The flying questst, rafting, dusk collecting and snail slime gathering are quick and easy with usually gold reward
But yeah, since dinged the mole poeple max renown and managed to tear the Rocks on Rocks recipe out from Brullo’s cold dead hand not set a foot there
That place gives me Maw PTSD

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Yea i don’t get it why they put so many rares that clearly requires a group , when they are extremly few or none to do them .
Not to mention on depopulated realms like mine .

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I made my guild years and years ago. I put all my characters in there and now me and my g.f. are in alone.

I’ve been there done that, spent countless times talking with friends and people. Managed Raids, groups, guild events, whatever you want. They’ve left. I’m alone in my guild and that is okay for me. But I won’t spend a minute anymore finding a new guild nor getting new guild mates who come and go constantly and you need to spend time recruiting. That time has passed, not just in wow, in every game.

I got friends in my friend list. However mostly everyone of us doing their small little things, different areas, different quests, different goals. Raid and Dungeons are easy to manage. But wouldn’t ask 3-4 friends to come down with me to an underground location where I’m the only one interested in and they would just waste their time there.

The issue here is design-flaw. And a big one. As you see above, people said the place was deserted weaks after release. This should NEVER happen with a new expansion related area, not in the first 6 months anyways. I cannot express how fatally bad this design decision from Blizzard, and how they cannot see this is not viable content on the long run… long= 3-6 months within an expansion’s lifecycle.

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all the mobs must be nerfed to 100% and scale if more people join

Blizzard changed how the zone worked a few weeks into the patch to slow down how fast people were getting/upgrading gear. I forget the details, but it killed the place basically overnight.

But it was going to die soon after anyways. On release it might have been the fastest gearing zone ever. You did a few world quests and events a day, joined the occassional rare farming group, and you would cap your gear in like 2-3 weeks. I think i got 2 characters to ilvl ~425 in a month. And then i had no reason to set foot in the caverns again outside of the short weekly stuff. And i would imagine a lot of people felt the same.

I mean the Djaradin area, the rest of the cave is doable solo (If unrewarding, once Niffen renown is maxed), but that particular bit is just a no-go area, which is IMO ludicrous for world content, especially later on in an expansion, when half the players just revert to raid/M+/PvP-logging…

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Agreed will make tabards useful again and we will see dungeon queues pop more frequently. Otherwise tabards and the HC LFG are really not that viable.

They changed the way rares worked so they only spawn on certain days and only drop loot and shadowflame crest fragments once per half-week (I think) cycle. The rares only drop one fragment each, so as soon as they made them non-farmable there was no point going there.

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Play guardian.

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A zone that’s only been out for 5 months is still new… It died 2 weeks into the patch, so it has nothing to do with how long it’s been out for.

Wish Blizz would nerf old content of the current expansion to accommodate there being less people participating in them as the next content patch gets released…

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