Unplayable game - Four horsemen chest didnt spawn

after a good hour or so soloing nax10 military quarter, which isnt easy cos first boss is a nightmare

killed four horsemen, no chest spawns

gg blizzard, cant do rdf, cant do old raids for transmogs

Why can’t you do RDF?

Also, isnt this a mmorpg? Cant you like, inv someone to speed up things?

LOL this guy again…

Maybe he’s DPS, maybe the population on his server is low.

Btw, today I logged in, in one of the most played servers…and I had no Layers and SW was very empty … LOL. I made some screen shots if you want. I had to check if I am logged in …in SOD Classic or something.

Anyway … bad X-Pac is bad, “dude” …

What is this even a reply to?
He complains on a bug that makes loot not spawn at all correctly during a boss in Naxx.

Then submit a bug report.!

And if he spend 1 hour on this, why dont he inv someone in this mmorpg to speed things up?

And he cant do RDF? Why? Perhaps make your own grp?

But no.
Lets whine on the forums instead!

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