Unpopular opinion 2: community disservice

First of all, you’re a gnome.

Sleep well my sweet summer prince… :sob:

Gnomes are perfection

For target dummies

Bold words for someone about to be turned into a chicken or some other kind of critter thanks to SCIENCE!

I assume THE LORD OF CHICKENS did this!
…you all know who i mean :3

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I suppose future rulers of this planet is a step down from current rulers of this planet, so you’re technically right. We’ll be in our rightful position soon enough, and then you can all have the pleasure of kissing my boots or becoming my soul shards.

I doubt my big soul would fit in your entire tiny soul bag

Here’s an unpopular opinion: There’s not enough apple trees in Stormwind.


It’s all Anduin’s fault asking for half the trees to be harvested completely for his cider addiction.

The Horde probably shouldn’t continue in it’s current format. There are too many dividing opinions among the races that no Warchief or Council can fix. They’d probably be better off going their separate ways and making splinter factions, maybe meet up every few years for a Horde reunion event where they awkwardly try to big up their position in the world to make themselves look better than they actually are.

Ultimately they leave the bring and share meal half-cut on some new concoction of the Pandren melancholic, wondering what happened to the best days of their lives when they’d overthrow their Warchief every few years.

I really hate the word ‘movie’ and will pretty much only use it if it’s part of the film’s title.
Everyone is allowed to be pretentious about something, and this is mine.

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This a peeve.

I can expand on it and say I think the word ‘movie’ should be struck from everyone’s internal lexicon.

What is wrong with the term movie though? the definition of the word boils down to looking at a moving picture.

Because she has arbitrarily decided that this one particular American word is unacceptable and doesn’t understand how language works.

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that is an unpopular opinion

Well, this is just it, there’s nothing wrong with it at all! It makes sense, it’s a commonly accepted term, and it’s punchy and easily understood.
A dislike of a word doesn’t mean thinking it’s wrong, funnily.
It’s kind of like how plenty of people really hate the word ‘moist’. It’s a perfectly cromulent word, but it riles people right up.
For some reason, movie is just one of those words for me. It’s bonkers, really, cos it’s ultimately completely inoffensive.

But whenever I say I don’t like it, people really get upset about it! Thus, it’s my unpopular opinion. o.o

Guess I’m dusting off this old gal of a thread.

I think it’s fine for races to use their racial languages to have conversations, even if they are in the company of people that do not.

Slapping a [Thalassian] in for good measure and proceeding in Common/Orcish regardless is a kindness to be sure, but I rather like seeing “foreign” languages when milling about IC. More power to you if you want to be as inclusive as possible, I get that angle. But I’m sticking to mine.

The main problem is when it’s in particularly large gatherings, and the Thalassianers do nothing but interact with each other. At that point they’re not characters, to the rest of the attendees.

They’re literally just chatbox filler.