Unpopular opinion 2: community disservice

There’s also the devil’s advocate argument of you inadvertently taking away RP from characters who would IC be able to understand whatever language, in this case [Thalassian], but cannot. I get that it’s a rather niche, but it’s an angle.


I usually just shrug off the use of racial languages, but what really riles me up is when they’re talking in Orcish and then flip to Thalassian* when other people approach and try to engage with them.
Like… damn, you’re not even trying to be subtle.

*Other race languages, other races do it too, yadda yadda. Thalassian is pretty notorious, though, let’s be honest.

I play my undead as a risen elf, killed during the Silvermoon invasion (that old chestnut. It’s indulgent but she’s an old character and I love her), so I always really appreciate people that acknowledge she would technically know Thalassian, and let me play along with it. So nice.


Muting threads and ignoring people on the forums is a sign of defeat and a person’s weak spirit.

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