We certainly lack customization, but we look stunning nonetheless.
Opinions may vary from one individual to the next, but the above statement is a fact and you’re simply not allowed to disagree with it, because there’s no arguing against the Truth.
We certainly lack customization, but we look stunning nonetheless.
Opinions may vary from one individual to the next, but the above statement is a fact and you’re simply not allowed to disagree with it, because there’s no arguing against the Truth.
Male Night Elves and Nightborne have but one face option and that is:
For both, respectively.
With my Sword in them, I agree!!
You’ll be saying Male Draenei look good next.
Well don’t point that sword in the direction of the men of Suramar.
Regardless of how angry and ugly they are - we do need our angry, ugly male elf mana addicts.
We don’t look angry, we look smug, because we look at other inferior races with disdain.
I think your confusing yourself with the male blood elves, who are always smirking
Why did you change this from Night Elves?
It’s a forced smile of insecurity. In male nightborne’s eyes, you can only read utter disgust.
Because I originally intended to talk about Nightborne, I had mistaken the two. Although to be fair, it also applies.
I like them to a certain point, but the posture bothers me.
It’s certainly an unpopular opinion.
Just like the Night Elf males, I dislike their casting animation.
There was a male equivalent for Nightborne?
Bypass the issue by playing Mistweaver.
I just don’t think they look like the natives of Suramar and they should.
Edit - missing word in my sentence
I tried that once, I didn’t like it. Can’t seem to get on with the Monk class.
Oh gosh it’s reeeeally easy to spot when you put them side by side like that.
Left one is more narrow, sharp, more … uh… “I’m epic” kind of mindset.
Right one is more “Hi hello I am here waddup - ok… who farted?”
Understandable, it’s the one class that has suffered the most from Legion overhauls.
the males are still grymphy no changes on that …