Unpopular Opinions

I’m Tehya’s main! I believe in whatever the discussion was about. Will you shut up now?


No, I am Tehya’s main!


I thought she was Duskar.

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No… it was i, Tehya’s main.


Lol Ilyadris got beat up so bad in warmode & forums she got double black eyes haha


:fire: :fire: :fire:


Now this is epic


Truth is I am Tehya’s main


I find it interesting and an expression of genuine political correctness that the blood elves aren’t voicing their disgust for their unfortunate alliances more often.

My unpopular opinion is that more blood elves ought to hate the orcs even if they keep the lid on and smile through their teeth.

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Or a dwarven spy.

Or night elf saboteurs.

Or night elven spies.

And going from Valeera’s flavour text in wrath, she wasn’t treat too well by the Alliance.

BuT GaRiTHos WAs OnE man.

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Sorry, last time I checked the Alliance wasn’t racist, because we’re all friends down on the blue side.

Agreed, it’s bad that she wasn’t, but then again, would you welcome, with open arms, the very people you are at war with in your city?

What exactly did the night elves sabotage? That one Arcane Sanctum? Are we going to ignore the boss of that Sanctum outright saying it was because they overworked the Sanctum that it haywired and than the Ranger going all: “Nah, it was those damn dirty night elves, I’m sure, I got no proof except this picture they drew of the night elves, but it was their fault for sure!”

Also, are you implying that spying on a potentional hostile nation = genocide and racism?

I mean… let’s not forget that Maiev and Tyrande helped escort Kael’thas and his retinue through the Plaguelands where they would almost certainly have died without their aid.

Considering the Blood Elves still liked Kael a bunch at the time they joined the Horde it’s real weird they would choose a faction populated by their ancient enemies instead of one populated by their ancient allies. I mean, sure Garithos was a dick, but so was Ogrim Doomhammer and the Orcish capital is NAMED after him, and Grom Hellscream is held up as one of the Horde’s greatest heroes.

Honestly… I think it’s crazy weird that the Blood Elves actually took a side in the war at all, but if they ARE to take a side, it’s strange they would side with the Horde in the first place. Even if the Alliance rejected them for the whole naaru-enslavement thing it seems to me the Blood Elves would probably have made a more sensible faction to have join AFTER Burning Crusade, if at all.

Instead the Alliance should have had High Elves from the start, instead of Night Elves, and the Horde could have gained Arakkoa in BC which would have been more in-keeping with their ‘noble savage’ schtick. And even if you DID want to include the Blood Elves in that scenario, there’s a lot one could do to make them fit more neatly into the Horde than just “The Alliance were a bit mean once.”

I’m at work but this is false, you need to check the order of the quests again. They hypothesise they overworked it until they find out it’s sabotage.

And yeah, one arcane sanctum is a big deal when the sanctums were the only thing keeping their race alive.

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I’ll reread the quests.

Also, I’m scared, Brigante’s still typing :<


Ehhh, you say that, but the supposedly diplomatic common folk of the Humans seem pretty racist towards Draenei in Wrath, and again during the Velen short story (Though in that case it was likely more ‘panic’ than racism), but in the former the Alliance commander at Valiance Keep does say that the common folk will find the Draenei an unsettling presence.

En masse? No, has it happened before? Yes. Governments will welcome an enemy Traitor as welcome, I mean Julius Caeser said it best “I love Treason, but hate a Traitor”. You’ve got a source of information there, or at least an expert on what the enemy culture in general is thinking. She was also a boon companion of the King.

Bit more than just one Arcane Sanctum though, wasn’t it? I mean Ghostlands is crawling with Night Elves, who will attack the rightful inhabitants of those lands, and are occupying territory, and the ones in Eversong even, are not peaceful observers, they will ‘shoot first’.
Given the Blood Elves dependency on some of these locations, then destroying them, yeah, that would actually have been genocide. In the terms of annihilation by the sword, no, but the end effect would be the same.

No, the night elven actions were a mass incursion, or a low key invasion even, similar sorts of numbers to the Blood Elves on Bloodmyst Isle (Which I believe was the direct intention)

Heh, that’s because I can never use one word where ten will do…:smiley:

That guy was also mind-controlled by Prince Valanar (the guy behind him), and thus wasn’t really speaking like he normally would.

Deep down, we’re all a little Tehya on the inside.


Can I join the Tehya’s mains club?


We are all Tehya.


To be Tehya is a state of mind, anyone can join in.

Except for nelves that use the black eyes.