Unpopular Opinions

It’s funny actually, someone on the US forums compiled a load of comments about Garrosh and Sylvannas, and how what Blizzard were saying outside of the game - about these characters - doesn’t match up with what they were putting in-game or then later went on to say.

:crazy_face: :bank: I begin grumbling and mumbling about :eye: masonic :eye: story forum whingers influencing the story. :bank: :crazy_face:

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WHoa, I’m gone for two hours and this thread exploded… again!

Peeve/Unpopular Opinions = General @Discord


Exactly. We just can’t call it ‘general’ or… things happen.

That is a big issue. And some might disagree, but I also think the game story should stand on its own, as in, they shouldn’t leave -major- story arcs about character/plots in novels only, then continue the story ingame as if everyone read/bought the books. They’ve been doing that for some time.

And of course all the comments they make like you said. One noteable in the back of my head being how Battle for Azeroth was supposed to be a war between factions, and the memey “Morally Grey.” Then at Blizzcon 2018 say “As Sylvanas continues her evil plans.”

It’s more that he’s of the mindset where making demands is a gesture of affection. He had been given much as prince and grown some deep seated flaws long before the manipulations started.

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That´s what happens when you create unbeatable villain in fantasy story. You then need to find a way around this unbeatability and more often than not, it turns out bad (even though I liked the concept of disarming the big bad guy by creating a spell that makes them feel the pain of all those they harmed).

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That’s just…the plot of Ghost Rider the movie? Is that really how the Eragorn series ended, lol?

momma loves u harry

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I’ll happily give Blizzard leeway, an MMO is hardly the easiest platform to tell a story on; especially one born back in 2003. But they are honestly dire, I think part of the reason i’m stuck around is due to a blend of Stockholme Syndrome and sunk cost fallacy.

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Unpopular opinion: this isn’t a chatroom

I’m here for the people and friends I’ve made, and because there’s no better alternative. For better or worse, WoW is still undeniably king.

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Yeah, I suppose. But I still prefer them showing/telling us the story within their game, instead of saying “Oh yeah, we cut out about a third of it that has vital information of why character X is now Y. You need to go buy this latest Christie Golden book though to get this information.”

Can confirm that this opinion is really unpopular.

Now shoo, dad, you’re embarassing me in front of all my friends!

cursed (in ten letters)

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I’d still take her over Knaak any day of the week.


I don´t remember the Ghost Rider movie, so no idea.
There was more to the fight itself (I merely described the final part), but it´s actually a great example of how writer needs to go out of their way to make good guy win after deliberately making the bad guys more and more and more powerful.
Which is a shame, because at the end of third book, we find out Oromis spent 100 years storing energy in his sword, so he is actually able to fight now despite his sickness and he could have used him as support for Eragon in final confrontation.
Instead, he gets killed by Murtagh in their first battle.
So much for that plot point.

Yet these flaws don´t really influence his actions or decisions (which is main difference between him and Anakin despite their many similarities, he didn´t do all the stuff to save his whamen, he did it to save his kingdom), but for some reason, everyone acts as if he was the bad guy who did it because he was spoiled and therefore bad.

No, culling city of people that are about to be turned into undead isn´t act of spoiled brat who never should have been paladin, it´s an act of someone who uses his brain.

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ESO awaits you.

Which is pretty indicative of MMOs as a whole, sadly.

Basically the big bad guy is a souless mega demon so his powers(he can make sinners feel their victims pain) doesnt work on him. So when the bad guy gets hold of 1000 evil souls to juice himself up, the Ghost Rider now has a thousand souls to make him feel pain over and does it(and kills him) with no problem/effort despite the bad guy now supposedly being super strong.