Unpopular Opinions

Agh, my only weakness! Me stupidly giving myself a weakness!


Lich King syndrome. “I can only be destroyed at the frozen throne, let’s go and sit at the frozen throne while placing out my most powerful minions sparingly in seperate rooms as the heroes assault my citadel. I could never just put Sindragosa, Marrowgar, the blood princes etc at the entrance all together.”

Then yes, it´s similar (except Galbatorix can´t handle it, so he blows himself up, so technically, Eragon doesn´t kill him).

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I’d much rather another Blizzard MMO with a less focused central narrative.

Regional quest lines (think Drustvar or Highmountain) are really good as self-contained narratives. The writing is good, the characters interesting. Blizzard just flubs it with trying to do world ending threats and overarching stories.

Bigger isn’t always better, and a more adventure-themed world, closer in theme to Vanilla than modern WoW, would honestly be my ideal.

Though that isn’t to say I want all the awkward / terrible Vanilla mechanics back; h*ck no.


i miss the pet happiness mechanic :frowning:


I want the old talent trees and multi-speccing back :pensive:


Be warlock. Accidentially pull two spiders at lvl 20. Watch your voidwalker die. Go completly oom from two immolations and a shadowbolt. Spend 5 minutes to get full mana/hp back and resummon the voidwalker. Repeat this process and keep your inv full of soulshards.

Why does people want classic again?


That’s a flaw of the writing in his story and part of why I think it isn’t all that good. It’s an injection of a complex psychological response that tells you something about his way of thinking but if you don’t tell the story in a way in which his mentality affects it, you’ve only expressed a potential “darkness” in him at random.

The most I’ve seen of it is HotS Arthas being spiteful to Jaina because she “broke her promise”.

Considering the brief fling with Kalecgos, it seems like Arthas just wasn’t equipped to handle her.

One thing other MMOs are definitely ahead of WoW in is making each character feel more unique. Having more than one way of playing each cookie cutter class/spec would be very nice.


Rose coloured glasses, fetishising old mechanical grinding designed to make everything a time consuming chore to soak up subscription hours while having the gall to complain about timegating in WoD.

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When it comes to MMO’s, I quite like Swtor. It is fun to level in, the classes feel nice to play, and alot of customizations, such as housing etc, and it is rp friendly.

The endgame pve can be a bit of a drag though sadly, and the pvp is a garbled mess. But it is a fine MMO otherwise.

Lotro, is nice too, aside from the gating/grind if you decide to play it free. But it feels like an adventure when you level through the zones and world.

Gw2’s pvp I found very enjoyable, then its just…alot of stuff wrong with that game, but it works.

WoW is just really good at fine-polishing alot of details, making the pull to other mmo’s not as strong.

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The reason for some of my rose-tinted glasses regarding the early days of WoW is that it was all so new and fresh to me. I was young and the world seemed so huge and awesome. Now I can fly around the whole thing in no time at all np.

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You forgot the ‘community’ aspect to it, which is a pretty big + for a lot of vanilla players.

Of course you weren’t going to mention that, given your bias.

I mean, AD is pretty much the only European server where that old sense of community still exists, so it can be easy to forget that the same isn’t true elsewhere anymore.


A community isnt the developed game though. The game can be bleh but the community amazing, or the oposite. I like LoL as a game, but that community is awful. I like dark souls, but alot of that community is also dreadful, though there are some pearls.

Given, I’ve never played actual vanilla more than trying it at friends houses when I was a kid, which is where my warlock story and some other memories come from. I started WoW on my own in the end of wrath. But, while WoW was amazing and new, the old mechanics looking back, even in some of the later expansions, didnt age well.

And when it comes to the community, I have heard stories of mixed bags. People were apparantly more talkative, but the elitism was extremly high from what I have been told in regards to certain activities.

Edit: Oh, and from what I was told as well/seen these days, you were pretty much forced into one spec per class if you wanted to participate in anything. So as much “freedom” it gave, it also sounds like it was limited extremly by primarily the community.

As I said though, I never experienced this myself as I just ran around with my trolls and gnomes on friends accounts.

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The shift into a far more casual-friendly game has its ups and downs. For someone who has limited time but still wants to see all the story and participate in all the content, WoW in its current iteration is great. Queueing and LFR are very handy. But at the same time, it’s killed a lot of the social aspect of the game.

I’d say finding a balance for both types of people would be best, but I don’t know what that balance is - and Blizzard clearly don’t either.

I also despise spending three hours in /local to drag a group together to do a thing only to have someone vital to the task leave a few minutes in. LFG tools are a godsend. Unpopular opinion, apparently. Thanks for the reminder!

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Pandaria was the best expansion

(I liked the Chinese setting, lore, zones and because I started playing wow during the beginning of the Thunder King patch)

I would like this if I had any likes left today, so I’ll agree with it instead. Alot of streamline things has taken away some aspects when it comes to socialising, but it is still there of course if you push yourself a little.

It would be great to have both ways, but as you, I am also uncertain on how to approach it, but even I remember asking around to get some people to take down a 5 man quest boss, instead of silently jumping into group finder with 40 other equally silent people.