Unpopular Opinions

Because you need both hands to type, Telaryn…

Screenshots can be forged, as the images are saved on a personal computer I doubt they will ever be viable if a competent lawyer is there to defend against it.
As for chat logs, I just don’t see it being useful, again if a competent lawyer is present I have this feeling they can just toss them aside.
“Is there proof that my client was present on the computer when the message was sent?” and all that fun stuff.
Of course this can be proven when you dig deeper and deeper in to a investigation, but again, who will spend the time and money on it, when it’s about erotic texting in a video game?

Uh, proof of not being a virtual virgin. Yea, that.
EDIT: This post is suppose to be sarcastic.

At a guess? So they can whack off to it later too.

If your ability to get laid in a video game is a high standard to achieve, I’ve got some bad news friend…


Peeve of the day: People not enjoying some good ol’ puns and/or bad jokes.

keep talking about erp and ill post a comp of me using mccree ults wrongly… no worse a comp of mccree potgs.

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I’ve reported this Thread… Why? Because the pet peeves are being sent here :angry:… Come back to the real salty thread and help us reach 9999 posts…

While it would be the ideal for there to be no ERP ever, it should be pretty obvious that if you’re doing something like that and keep it 100% private, nobody will ever find out and I won’t post angrily on the forums at you because ignorance is bliss

The problem is that about 99% of “”" private ERP “” ends up being weirdly screenshotted by one or more of the sweaty gamers involved and ends up on the forums when they next have a falling out. In many ways the real witch hunt on AD is witches casting killing curses on each other 24/7 and blasting each other away in great magical duels while polite society watches eagerly but also nervously


Nothing would make me happier than Goldshire spontaneously combusting in some giant, decadent firework display.

I already tut at you for your rampant memeage, but curse you for letting me picture a world where the problem solved itself in such an entertaining manner. -shakes fist!-

Unpopular opinion (literally) of the day:

anyone who isn’t my opinion is a bot.

Everyone on Argent Dawn is a bot except you.

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Or people that don’t agree with you. Or a petition with 4 million signs. Or people IRL coming to you and asking you what kinda sheit you do. I dunno. Maybe everyone is a bot.


I think it’s quite depressing how the community has evolved. I’ve been using the way back machine to look at the old forums, old posters and old standards. Whether that’s RP guides or what ever else, not only is there zero PC garbage but just a quick glance shows people had much higher standards of what they expected. Even just the standard RP rules that Blizzard stopped enforcing in Wrath and then changed because they couldn’t be bothered. This isn’t anything new of course but going back to look at how it was really hits home.

I can’t think of any analogies but I feel like a lot of those older posts while fairly innocuous would get stasi’d by the current mods. The culture is so different… It’s a very STARK difference. They might as well be diametrically opposed. The RP forum itself is just… you actually have blues interacting, promoting guides and people holding actual discussion whether as now it’s… A lot different.


It would seem that my sarcasm was not found in the post.
I have no proper idea to why screenshots are taken of ERP, maybe there is…ERPHub or something? Fetish? Hard to say.

But my best honest guess is that it’s like nudes.
“Check what I banged last night!!”
It can also be turned around easily.
“Look at this s1ut, disgusting!”
It does not make a lot of sense, but people are doing it, so it must bring some sort of satisfaction for them.

My wild guess is the blues that did promote and enforce such rules simply moved on to other jobs.
Thus no one with interest of the RP scene is there to enforce or interact with it, and Blizzard then makes the choice to simply ignore it all.
But that’s just a theory, A GAME THEORY!

Actually more on the ball than a lot of posts here, it is Game Theory.

It’s a zero sum game for Blizzard to intervene because they make a loss regardless of what action they take.

Acknowledge and punish the ERPer = potentially lose multiple (often highly subscribed and DLC paying) Individuals because in about 8/10 instances most of them are also big time pvpers or raiders who have no investment in the rp community.

Acknowledge and don’t punish the ERPer - leads to a potential PR mess like Moon Guard where after community guys came out and said something would be done their hand was forced to calm down the alleged angry storm of concerned US parents. Long term shows that this just pushes the worst offenders into acting even more malevolently in the shadows, using external places like Discord to do their dark work.

Don’t acknowledge and punish - this is a potentially tricky one as it opens itself up to community moderation, which as we’ve seen does not work on AD for one iota, due to the fractures in and out of it. It ends with potentially innocent players having charges and accusations hurled their way and publicly ostracised for nothing. Damaging for the use of RP addons, as we’ve seen with TRP3 as well.

Don’t acknowledge, don’t punish - This is arguably the area we are sitting in now, the lack of action can demoralise some players, leading to possible vigilante behaviour against other players. Least damaging from a business perspective because (anecdotally and I’m sure others will corroborate) I’ve yet to meet a single player quit the game (thus not subscribing) because they saw someone erping.

Pretty much. Ignoring it is pretty much the best option income wise for Blizzard. It’s not like a parent will somehow find out what their kid is doing and then sh1t out enough money to go to court, simply to expensive and will lead nowhere.

Like you said, people are very mad and vocal about it all, yet they are still here and in the end supports Blizzards way of ignoring it all by staying.

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Unpopular opinion - Mages look silly in dresses.