Unpopular Opinions

Stop right there criminal scum!

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Something’s not quite right…
/cast Arcane Pulse

What fool opened the ERP can? Cast it back into the abyss!


I always found it funny when after that, the catapults begin firing, and the orc commander tells his men to stay where they are, yet steps out of the way himself when a boulder comes towards him.


There’s opinion, and then there’s outright fallacy projected as truth.

So, 1) I call bull manure. 2) Speak for yourself. 3) Uh… maybe report yourself? Or seek help?
Or you’re trolling super hard in which case…um…gottem, I guess? :thinking:

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If we’re really going to continue this topic, here’s a former GM talking about their training and their stance re. ERP

The gist of it is that if you’re not bothering anyone and you’re being nice to each other, they don’t care. They still see you do it though.

If I catch you doing it, you’re not discrete enough and it bothers me. I will report you. Don’t do it with minors, that’s illegal in many countries. I’d rather people not ERP but this is a compromise I hope people like Serrida would at least try to adhere to.


on the new episode of myth busters…

Are they a GM? I thought they were one of the CM’s who got fired? To me GM =/= CM.

GM is just a generic term for Blizzard staff. In the context he’s talking about, he’s the type who is involved in-game, reading chat logs and intervening when needed. The person who investigates when you’re reported for ERP.


Probably the healthiest / best attitude to take. If they’re subtle enough to do it without being caught out, there’s nothing that anyone can or will do about it.

AD can be very puritan about these things as if there’s a competition to become the Oliver Cromwell of ERP, but if it’s between consenting adults (key words there bros) then who the h*ck cares.


I’m not sure anyone goes beyond this really, given how every witch hunt and drama thread on the forums / Discords / in-game started due to the lack of subtlety of the ERPers.

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On the forums, you’re generally right. But there’s a lot of rumour mongering etc in discord groups and private chats.

You mean when one of the participants openly posts screenshots?

the witch displays their sin for all to see !!


I will burn with you…I agree.
If done properly to character building, I see it as a fully viable way to RP.

I mean, that is the basis for any 18+ RP, like torture or whatever.
Doing things like that in the open in the end can ruin someones day, so simply do it in private where the group that enjoys it can enjoy it, and the ones that don’t, don’t have to see it.

It seems like a very simple and easy to follow solution if you ask me, but then again the server has proven that to not be the case many times over.

I heavily doubt there will ever be a court ruling over a ERP case, does not matter if it’s the 15 and 17 year old, or the 13 and…32 year old.
No one is going to sit down and spend the time and money over erotic roleplay on the internet, way to much hassle that would probably end with the case being dismissed cause the judge can’t be bothered cause there will never be any hard evidence.

you would be surprised

If Blizzard keeps all chat logs on storage, then I suppose that would serve as concrete evidence should the need for such ever arise.

That and screenshots made by the people involved.

I sometimes wonder why people screenshot their own ERP. Are you trying to shoot yourself in the foot??


In the grand picture there will be no hard evidence to punish someone. There are so many boxes that has to be ticked, and I doubt ERP will be able to tick them all, to many things that has to be considered.