Unpopular Opinions

How 2 get so many things wrong in one sentence 101.

Your argument assumes that the video was aimed at a specific group of an ethnic group- The video portrays no intention to do so. The video in fact makes crystal clear that it is, for all purposes, a joke played on his girlfriend, which he thought to share with others.

That’s not a “prank bro”. It would be if his girlfriend would have taken issue with it. But she didn’t.

Instead, who took issue were some others. And the literal case is built upon the fact that he’s guising anti-semite views under the act in the video.

Like what, lmao?

To put this in perspective, if I happened to talk about a matter x and somebody took offense to it, according to you I should be prosecuted because the other side interpreted some foreign message in my words?

that’s literal toxic masculinity level conspiracy theory but ok.

There wasn’t a shred of concrete evidence on the matter. They couldn’t find a single occasion where he was directly acting to incite harm towards a group of people. The entire sentencing was literally based solely on his associations and what a third party had interpreted from the video.

That’s what makes it weak.

Do you have any actual proof about this?


This is just an extension of the “I know a black guy so I can say the n-word to every black person I meet.” A few jewish sympathisers doesnt make it not a crime or not offensive.

Will do at some point, but then certainly if that really is the case.

Yeah, the court case=proves he was breaking the law, and refuses to follow up on his sentence, making him a criminal. He makes alot of racist comments towards diffrent religions and people of colour alot, said video included. He has confirmed himself that he both supports and works alongside UKIP. He’s appeared in alt-right rallies, etc etc.

No, those are not remotely similiar. The fact of the matter is you have people flying from a state founded on the basis of jewish identity, who’s entire culture revolves around the preservation of the jewish peoples and an entire local community that found his sentencing abhorrent. I trust the local Rabbi’s decision over yours, frankly. “A few” is an understatement and when you describe them as sympatherizers it’s honestly quite disturbing.


Yes, similar to how soviet union condemned people into the gulag based on the interpretations of their neighbours.

Court case =/= proof. The entire point of my post is that the law and political environment in regards to PC in UK is incredibly bad.

He’s also not refused his sentence, he’s said he’ll go to jail if needs be. He’s only refused to pay the fine, which by law means that he should have to go to jail- But he hasn’t, because for whatever reason the police haven’t done that.

He’s never done that, but ok.

Those are not crimes.


definitely unpopular opinion.

Even Ricky Gervais would not go to such lengths as to compare Count Dankula to Frankie Boyle.

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The British courts are screwed, the entire justice system in the UK is screwed.

We had a guy molest a little girl, but no newspaper or TV station could report on it, because until he was sentanced and some one in parliment broke it? He had enough money to buy silence on the issue via a super injuction.

The British courts can make it illegal for you to talk about someone elses illegal or shady dealings, like a particular footballer who was caught having it away with his brothers wife, nope it was illegal for anyone in Britain to talk about that.

Or we can get into the police, where you will have to wait weeks if your house get burgled for anyone to swing by, at which point they’ll give you a crime number for your insurance at most.

But God forbid anyone say anything un-PC on Twitter, they’ll be right there!

Your mum got murdered? Your house got robbed? Children are being abused? The Police haven’t got time for that, someone is trolling a celeb on Twitter!

Let’s not forget the police were so worried that they’d be accused of being racists, that they ‘overlooked’ a massive child grooming gang and its count less victims in Rotherham.


Local scottish jews supported him? Really? "A Jewish leader has told a hate crime trial that a YouTube video of a pet dog giving “nutzi salutes” was “grossly offensive”.

Ephraim Borowski, director of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC), criticised the clip and told how he lost members of his own family to the nutzis.

The 66-year-old was giving evidence against Mark Meechan, 29, who has denied claims of committing a [hate crime]"

Mr Borowski told the court he had family who died in the [Holocaust]. He was shown the recording of the video in court and said: "It is grossly offensive, it stuns me that anyone should think it is a joke.

"My immediate reaction is that there is a clear distinction to be made between an off-hand remark and the amount of effort that is required to train a dog like that, I actually feel sorry for the dog.

"In many ways, the bit I found most offensive was the repetition of ‘gas the Jews’ rather than the dog itself.

"The other thing that struck me was the explicit statement that this was intended to give offence and intended to be the most offensive thing he could think of and then he says he isn’t a racist but unfortunately we hear that all the time from people.

"I’m no historian, but it is the marching signal of the Nutzi storm troopers who contributed and supported the murder of six million Jews including members of my own family and I take this all slightly personally.

“Material of this kind goes to normalise the anti-Semitic views that frankly we thought we had seen the last of. The Holocaust is not a subject for jocular content.”

Mr Borowski also told the court that sections of the Jewish community in Scotland felt threatened by the video’s contents and that the SCoJeC’s website was bombarded with abusive comments in the wake of it emerging.

He added: "The threat is against the Jewish community and there is an echo chamber effect with people trying to be more offensive.


And I can’t find anything to say that “Israeli jews” (definetly a monolithic entity that were all of one-mind on this, I’m sure) were backing him. Feel free to provide the source though.

I did find a tweet from Meechan himself noting that he was banned from Israel but idk if that’s true or just ANOTHER JOKE.

p.s. circumventing the filter on this was v. annoying.


Well one made an anti-sematic joke, the other made loads of anti-Chinese jokes, anti-disabled jokes, anti-homosexual jokes.

One gets convicted of hate speech and the other loses their BBC showings but gets shows on channel 4 instead…

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afaik dank has come out an said multiple times for the longest time he was definitely firmly on the -left- approaching communist level of left. Until they you know, savaged him for making a (tasteless at worst) joke.

Even now he’s said time and time again his support for libertarian parties is purely because they are the only groups willing to stand up for the principles of freedom of speech and free expression.

Watching channel content actually informs you about a person and their justifications. Don’t rely on the MSM to tell you what to think.


Do yourself a favor and drop this ill-conceived comparison. It’s like comparing Ben Shapiro to George Carlin.


Right right, what was it Franky once said?

Something about how some woman was just getting with her new boyfriend, because he’s strong enough to stop her special needs son from raping her?

Please stop. Save some of your dignity. This path leads to nothing good for you.

Nope either no context matters, and thus all comedy that is un-pc is hate speech.

Or context does matter, and it’s just another case of the British courts slapping down anyone who dares to stand up to the establishment, when they decide they know what is ‘best’.

And now for something completely different…

Well I’m aware jews did fly over from Israel to support him, I do also know that when a local jews in support of him asked to be interviewed by the local media, they ran away from them. Other than the jewish comedian I mentioned earlier in that list that condemned his prosecution, all I could link to you would be blogs and comments, some on reddit, others on the times of Israel.

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Standing up to the establishment by having their dog do Nazzi salutes. It’s truly a shame that the british state has put an end to this great artist’s self-expression.


Nice list of total melts and/or nobodies.

It shouldn’t matter whose name is behind backing him up. But people -are- backing him up. So much so that his gofundme has brought him over 100 000 pounds to help him with the situation.

You can say that those people are all bad and evil people but that’s a very lazy analysis to make.

Many people who support him didn’t find the joke funny at all or even tasteful but they still go out their way to support his right to say it.

Political talk.

You people have doomed this thread.