Unpopular Opinions

I didn’t say they are bad or evil people, I said they are whiny melts or randos whose opinions aren’t worth any more than all of ours here on the AD Forums – just big old white noise.

So context of the video? As anyone who actually watched it would know.

His girlfriend loves the dog, thinks it’s the cutest thing on gods green earth.

So he decides he’s going to make it into the most unloveable thing he can think of.

Que video of a dog doing facist salutes and acting excited about ‘German’ stuff.


Somehow this is okay though, I mean that episode gets even worse, but it’s totally okay.

As for standing up to the establishment, he has done that by not bending over and taking his lumps, we’ve seen such wonderful things as the Judge implying he’ll prosecute the lawyer supporting Dankula as well.

Also Melts? Really?

I’ll admit that David Baddiel hasn’t done as good for himself as Frank Skinner did, but what’s melty about Ricky Gervais or Stephen Fry?

Most of those are commedians, several of said commedians are Jewish, I’d say a Jewish Commedian has a more valid take on what could be considered an anti-semetic and what is just a joke, than most of us.

Mel Brooks’ -The Producers anyone?

I didn’t say you did say so- I just gave an example as to why I don’t think dismissing an opinion, even the one you are opposed to, isn’t probably the best course of action.

But you do you.

He didn’t actually post the video to start a political statement with it- That came later.

I completely disagree.

it shouldn’t matter what cultural group, background or status you represent- Your opinion should be considered, unbiased and evaluated just as everybody elses.

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If a jewish comedian’s take is more valid than most of us, then what about the guy that Elenthas quoted?

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They are similliar, and if you wanna go that way, it is honestly quite disturbing that you so adamantly defend a literal racist who has shown himself to hold some extremly intolerable views. And disturbing that you make it personal.

Both these comments really points to a strange belief that “if someone i agree with is sentenced, then the system must be flawed!!” This could be used in any circumstance by this defintion.

UK is not soviet russa or Germany during ww2, a sentence and law is that and is just. And you will be judged accordingly. Not just disregard it.

What he says is very diffrent from what he actually does+where he hangs out and with who. His actions speaks a whole lot diffrently.

But this is me done on this topic, shame that Saenaris had to try and bring personal things into it rather than keep it to strictly the person in question.

It doesn’t mean the punishment qualifies as just, however. The recognition is not a moral recognition either, just a factual one.

The point of civil disobedience is fighting against an unjust system without violence, but through civil means. I don’t know of this youtuber, but that the leftism is a growing threat to our culture and freedom in western society is something people should be aware (and worried) of.


It could be, but it wasn’t.

I provided a case-and-point analysis as to why I think the sentencing was incredibly dubious and arbitrary- Now, you might agree or disagree with that analysis, that’s fine.

But no evidence, still, has been brought up to counter those points.

No, UK is not thankfully the soviet union or alike. But that doesn’t mean you should bow down your head and accept things as they are.

Well again, where’s the proof? You keep saying that he’s done this and that but then actually you never provide the context (in which he most of the time explains why he does x things and that he in fact disagrees with a lot of the opinions of the UKIP, he’s just with them because there’s no other alternative).

I’m happy to agree and disagree with you in the end, though.


I’d say more than likely, he’s a curtain twitcher whom delights in getting offended and causing trouble for others.

Well if you’re going to ignore the examples I had given of why the system in the UK is flawed sure, I would like to know what country you live in?

Because living in the UK I can see rampant problems when the ‘top jobs’ in political circles, judicial and so on are reserved for the people who go to certain ‘colleges’.

But hey you keep on thinking the guy is a racist despite the context of his video.

I’ll continue thinking that the Judge was harsh because he wanted to slap down ‘the little oike’ who dared talk back to him.

Well when you get depersoned by the left, where do you go?

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Who knew that “it’s just a joke” was such a get-out-of-jail free card? Does this have any limitations or are you happy to apply it to anything?

But by your own admission, him being jewish would make his opinion on the matter more valid than yours

EDIT: or perhaps you too are jewish, in which case wouldn’t it be a stalemate

Sweden, which funnily enough I remember us having a near identical discussion about in another thread, where you posted several proven false things regarding sweden and their current “situation” regarding criminality, immigration, law etc.

It’d be more valid than mine, but less valid than a Jewish Comedian.

Heck Ricky Gervais mocks religion all the time, so I guess he should avoid performing in Britain after this ‘ruling’.

Physical harm to those not in on the joke would be my limit.

I certainly wouldn’t be calling for the head of a comedian who mocked me at a comedy event, or said something I disagree with.

… in your opinion, which we have just determined in this case is less valid than the jewish person who you described as “most likely a curtain twitcher whom delights in getting offended and causing trouble for others”.

Are you just rattling off names of comedians you know to be “controversial” at this point?

Cool, well since he uploaded it to youtube and didn’t just keep it to him+his GF, and we’ve got testimony from local Jewish people regarding harm done from it (I helpfully linked it earlier!), surely you’ll concede that the penalty was therefore justified?


Nope, just going off of what counts as hate speech in the uk.

Expressions of hatred toward someone on account of that person’s colour, race, disability, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation is forbidden

Given his various talks and shows about how Athesism is so great and religous people are so stupid, if were are discouting the idea that context matters, then he’s guilty of hate crime.

Only if they turn around and start arresting and fining all those terrible, terrible comedians at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Since the only comedian I can think of who never makes a joke that would break the same ‘law’ that Dankula broke is Russel Howard, and no wait… he makes Americans are so dumb jokes.

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I guess one of the good things coming from this thread is that we might get an idea of people we really don’t want to play with.

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Feel free to make some complaints to the relevant authorities as you feel so strongly, since that’s how Meechan got brought up on it in the first place.

But I am glad to see that I could convince at least one person that it was justified after all. It wasn’t all for waste.


Unsure, because as much as I disagree with some opinions here and some people, I wouldn’t go as far to avoid interacting with them completly/avoid playing with them if that ever came up.