Unpopular Opinions

It’s literally said in the paper(s) that four out of the five traits are due to biological reasons according to accumulated research.

I’m not defending, I am stating how it is. It’s not up to interpretation or your opinion. It’s a fact.


Oh, well this should be easy then, just quote the part in the paper that says that.

Wow! Thanks for the reddit gold @/user/Tehya @/user/Aerilen @/user/Haawel !


Kodak Black will reign over white europe….


Hey Anons, can some1 redpill me on this situation?

pic not related

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not being bogpilled

smh tbh

dont you speak to me like this again

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Vanity pets are allowed in the Cathedral.

There is no sinister Spire shadow government running Silvermoon and indulging this fantasy is incorrect and detrimental.


That is exactly what a sinister spire shadow government running silvermoon would say…


I don’t agree with this. I wouldn’t worry about people based on their forum behaviour. This likely won’t ever matter ingame.


I miss a RP music thread.

For reference the old server rules policy:


  • The General Chat Channel should only be used for finding Story Lines (SLs), finding Party Groups and various other discussions pertaining to Base Story Line (BSL), game-related topics, and continuity
  • The General Chat Channel should NOT be used for any “Off-topic,” Non-Story Line or non game-related discussion
  • Absolutely no out of character (OOC) or Non-Fantasy related dialogue should take place in the /Say, /Yell, or Party Chat Channels

A much better time. You can see how things declined rapidly when they just stopped enforcing those simple rules.

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Don’t talk to me if you’ve spoke OOC in /p, you are what’s wrong with this server.


The idea of party chat being IC only felt a bit excessive, mind.

The forums are IC))

Hold right there, elf! What business brings you to this neutral meeting ground?

You are spreading misinformation here and you seemingly don’t even know what you’re talking about.

What you say is absolutely false and an outright falsification of the events. Weinstein showed no form of racism whatsover, he’s a progressive guy who refused to take in an apartheid initiative and yet he was accused of racism against all evidence. Here is for you to get informed; this is the content of the e-mail you defined racist:

“There is a huge difference between a group or coalition deciding to voluntarily absent themselves from a shared space in order to highlight their vital and underappreciated roles (the theme of the Douglas Turner Ward play Day of Absence, as well as the recent Women’s Day walkout), and a group encouraging another group to go away,” … “The first is a forceful call to consciousness, which is, of course, crippling to the logic of oppression. The second is a show of force, and an act of oppression in and of itself.
You may take this letter as a formal protest of this year’s structure […] I encourage others to put phenotype aside and reject this new formulation …”

Where is the racism? Please get your facts right. The protests on Evergreen later on, after Weinstein was forced to resign (and threatened, stalked and harassed ofc) only increased, to the point your pc warriors would lock white professors in office, preventing them even from going to the toilet unless they asked first - they were hostages essentially.

In the Shepherd case there was absolutely nothing “a lot more” about the discussion. She literally played a video of Jordan Peterson and was then told that students in her class complained about the video. Ultimately, Shepherd was summoned to a meeting with her supervisor and accused of hatespeech and harassing trans people by three supervisors. She was told that students complained about her conduct, but she was not allowed to know the names, the formulations of the accuses, or the numbers of people who complained about her. However, as it turned out, no student complained about the conduct and it was done entirely by the university’s authorities. This can be found literally in the freaking wikipedia, you don’t have to dug deep to get to know these facts.

Alessandro Strumia was fired because he discriminated that women’s lower scores in scientific research is due to biology rather than white male oppression. People can argue that his position is wrong, but firing him over the hundreds of women of the cern, in the same conference, telling the world that white people are oppressors and the state should prevent this form of systematic oppression is an unjust form of discrimination. He has the right to express his opinion on gender issues, as long as he does so professionally. He offered a different perspective in a gender issue debate. And he shouldn’t feel guilty or lose his job for it.

Wrong. The above cases prove that Weinstein, Damore and others (such as L. Summers) people have been fired and/or harassed for doing just that.

Have you considered that your opinion on this matter might be wrong? Sure, everyone would like a world where people hang each other by the hand and sing happily, but if (and I say if) the movement you defend is governed by a subtle ressentiment and even by a lust for power maybe you should side with it more carefully.


Harken my words, for I shan’t say this again:

Do not spread your messages near me lest you have paid for the right with your time.

/w forum bad boys only))


Worry not over Telaryn or his words. He caws and boasts as loud and proudly as a dragonhawk yet is as meek as the smallest shrew.